Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
A webcomic you may enjoy 
16th-Mar-2008 11:46 am
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Here's a quick pointer: check out Kukuburi if you haven't already. It's full of vibrant colours, great illustration and delightful weirdness. Updates every Tuesday.


Furthermore, I'm still angry with LiveJournal for getting rid of the free Basic account option, for failing to communicate with and listen to the user base, and also for censoring the Popular Interests list. But I guess, if you don't know about those things by now, you're probably not interested.
Right now my hopes aren't very high. Either LiveJournal will crash and burn, or it will turn into MySpace, I don't know.
Either way it sucks. I was just beginning to like it here!
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