Moem's Journal
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22nd-Nov-2008 08:54 pm - Here be dragons
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Tiny, fire-bellied ones, of course.
Things are going well in the newt tank.
I was getting a little worried about my new newts, because they don't swim very much and I couldn't figure out how to feed them since they normaly eat in the water. Today I served them a dinner of bloodworms in a small plastic dish on the island.
Soon, two of them were happily stuffing their little faces. The other two are fat enough so I wasn't worried about them anyway.

As for the nice silvery little fishes polishing the windows and the pebbles, they are no longer with us. They were apparently too small and far too tasty to live with newts for a prolonged period. It's a shame really because they were so cute and I enjoyed watching them at work.
But the nice lady at the aquarium store, who told me that they'd be allright in there with the newts, took pity on me and gave me an Ancistrus instead. It's as big as the newts are, so not very likely to get eaten; it looks rather intimidating, too. It's a vegetarian, though, and eats nothing but algae. Here's a picture of a similar fish.
Nice, huh? Mine hasn't got such pretty white polkadots, but who knows what it'll look like later. I like the way it looks a bit prehistorical, like a dinosaur with fins on.

here fishy fishy
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