Moem's Journal
It's not Myspace...wait, it's not even LiveJournal.
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Hi! You've found me. This is kind of an experimental / placeholder journal, since the way LiveJournal has been changing recently worries me.
You can find me there under the username m03m. That's m-zero-three-m.

Since I'm (for now) primarily an LJ user, these entries have been copied from there. Some have even been copied from MySpace first!
That causes some problems with linkage. And if there's something about site changes and other ongoing events that makes you go 'huh?' because it doesn't seem to make any sense, it's probably about LiveJournal, not Scribbld. I apologize for any confusion and other kinds of inconvenience.

Oh, and copying the entries from elsewhere means losing all comments, as well.
10th-Feb-2008 10:56 pm - Writer's Block: Repeat After Me...
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[Error: unknown template 'qotd']English speakers usually pronounce Moem to rhyme with poem, while it should rhyme with room. The 'oe'-sound in Dutch is similar to the English 'oo'-sound, just a bit shorter.

The name (which is my BookCrossing nickname) comes from a series of books by Finnish writer Tove Jansson about creatures named the Moomins, or Moomintrolls. Moem is Dutch for Moomin. I loved those books as a kid, and still do.
6th-Feb-2008 07:27 pm - Writer's Block: Coffee Or Tea?
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[Error: unknown template 'qotd']No coffee for me thanks. I'm a tea drinker. And I guess you could call me a tea heretic, because I use tea bags.
I use the bags-for-a-cup, and a very large mug (for you Americans out there: a fairly small mug), let the tea get nice and strong and don't add any sugar, sweetener or what have you. A hardcore tea heretic, that's me.
Another fun fact: I'm among the few who not only drink Pu-Erh tea, but actually enjoy it, too.

In fact I'm not sure that I ever met a tea that I didn't like (I like most herbal teas, too), with the possible exception of those artificially flavoured fruity teas. But then, that's not really tea; that's an abomination in drinkable form.

I think I'll put the kettle on.
31st-Jan-2008 10:29 pm - Writer's Block: An Artist Is...
[Error: unknown template 'qotd']No. I'm not an artist, I'm a craftsperson.
Artists express themselves in their work. I don't. Even though I use paint, which makes most people think of art and artists, I don't use it (mainly) to express myself; I merely strive to create a fine looking decoration or advertisement. If I've done a good job, then my work is artful. But that doesn't make it art.
24th-Jan-2008 11:58 am - Writer's Block: Tools of My Trade
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[Error: unknown template 'qotd'] I guess I'd have to say my Leatherman, even though it's strictly not a 'tool of my trade'. It's more of a Tool For Life. Being the girlfriend of a certified nerd, I had to get myself one of these, and when I found it on special somewhere, it would have been foolish not to get one.
I have bought a nice sleek black leather sheath from Victorinox, that it fits in very snugly.
My Leatherman is a Wave of the latest model, which appears to give me instant geek cred. But it's actually very useful in other ways, too.
Here's a list of all its features:

* Needlenose Pliers
* Regular Pliers
* Wire Cutters
* Hard-Wire Cutters
* Clip-Point Knife
* Serrated Knife
* Saw
* Scissors
* Wood/Metal File
* Diamond-Coated File
* Large Bit Driver
* Small Bit Driver
* Ruler (8 inch/19cm)
* Large Screwdriver
* Bottle/Can Opener
* Wire Stripper
* Lanyard Attachment

Impressive, huh. I do miss the corkscrew every now and then.
19th-Jan-2008 11:43 pm - So here's what I tried to post in Writers Block
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...but it would not let me because of the picture. Well, I hadn't saved it, so it isn't exactly the same posting, but it went something like this.

People who talk on the (non-handsfree) phone while driving tick me off.
Why? Because they're driving with one hand and with their mind elsewhere, or fiddling with the buttons, or even looking at the phone while doing so.
And you can tell from a distance, by their behaviour: swerving from left to right, driving at oddly slow or irregular speeds, clinging to one of the white lines. Yep, as you get closer you'll always see them holding a phone to their ear and merrily yapping away.
It's not just annoying, it's also dangerous.

And illegal. In my country you're not allowed to use a telephone while driving, except with some kind of handsfree device. That's great. And it would be even greater if that law was more actively enforced, so that there'd be a chance of actually getting nabbed.

I used to switch my phone off while driving (and I still do while riding the motorbike, since I don't need the distraction if it goes off and I wouldn't hear it anyway. Okay, so those two are mutually exclusive. Sue me.)
But no more. Because for a mere 20 euros I have purchased a tiny, lightweight bluetooth headset thingie. It allows me to answer the phone with just one push of a button, without ever taking my eyes off the road. Really, I cannot imagine why people would rather risk an accident or a 140 euro fine!
I don't mind wearing it at all, it's quite comfortable. And (and this is almost reason enough!) it has a bright blue LED that flashes.
Isn't that cool?
I *heart* blue LEDs. It's almost like a geeky kind of jewellery. It makes me feel like Seven of Nine!

19th-Jan-2008 02:21 pm - Writer's Block: Me Behind The Wheel
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[Error: unknown template 'qotd']
I drive. And I do as few other things as possible.
I wish others would, too.

I had a nice long entry all written out with a picture of a pretty lady, but LJ kept eating it. It seems you can't put pictures in a Writer's Block entry. Too bad, I'm not typing it all in again.
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