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Lettie ([info]osteological) wrote,
@ 2008-10-05 19:44:00

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Entry tags:gip, meme, real life, wishing life was a musical

Something of a GIP
I've been listening to Les Miserables today and it's made me have a very serious urge to be in another musical, but I don't feel like it's possible to fit one into my schedule.

This is both frustrating and painful. I also wouldn't know where to start trying out for one and I haven't had any musical training in years. Bah.

And so this isn't completely pointless, a meme I liked doing last time:

Name one of my characters and one of yours. I'll show you three icons displaying expressions that my character frequently makes when interacting with yours, and explain why.

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Octavia and Grayson
2008-10-07 02:48 am UTC (link)

"You're breaking up with ME? WHAT?"

"...so you can see from my elaborate explanation that we had to take his fingers."

"Whatever this is what you're missing now."

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