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McLovin. ([info]paradisiac) wrote,
@ 2008-03-20 23:26:00

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Current mood: Cheerful.
Current music:Nothing, strangely.

Early apologies.
Alright, so, here's the deal. I'm going to do my best to update in here more frequently; I've just been busy lately. Things have been somewhat hectic around the house as we're getting new furniture (yay) and that's getting delivered tomorrow. Then I got to go out and finally pick out a futon I really liked and wanted, and then get that delivered whenever they call and tell us they have it and can do so. I've also started Japanese lessons, and practicing guitar. In between, I try to hang out with various friends for some fun. I've also been busy taking requests and making graphics and the layout account I have on Myspace. Actually, I still have to make Kurt his wallpaper :x. Whoops. I'm also waiting to see if I hear from my friends boss to hopefully get a job there. ::takes breath:: Gah.

Because of these recent activities, I have not be active on any journal site I hold an account on. I've actually gotten yelled at for it, too lol u.u

Anywhore, hello, I say. This is basically all I've got for now. I was supposed to be working out this week, but uhm... I got lazy and skipped a day or two.. three.... somethingorother >.>

And now I feel I shall go to sleep. Goodnight

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