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shark_prince ([info]shark_prince) wrote,
@ 2013-07-15 15:04:00

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Test Scene
 Mano laid strewn on the long collapsed couch, watching the tv with a mixture of disgust and awe. He lazily reached over for a drumstick of chicken from the platter nearby and dropped into his mouth, bones and all, chewing absentmindedly. 

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2013-07-16 06:01 pm UTC (link)
"He came up to ME," Mano clarified. "Not sure how the conversation went exactly..he said something..I said something about being a shark..I punched him across town..got surprised when he came back..we fought for awhile..and I woke up in prison. Tough SOB, kind of fun though." He still made a disgusted face. "I'll pass. Maybe I'll throw a truck at her."

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2013-07-16 06:11 pm UTC (link)
Okay so powerful but not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Great. "Great memory you've got there." He of course remains standing throughout this conversation, having no intention of sitting down next to the shark he's just met. "It'd be hard to miss her at least."

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2013-07-16 06:20 pm UTC (link)
He shrugs, grabbing an entire chicken wing and tossing it into his mouth. "Ugh, I can't watch this shit." He starts channel surfing.

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2013-07-16 06:49 pm UTC (link)
Jerry shrugs and moves to go. "I'm sure the others will give you some kind of indication about what they'll do to prevent some land version of Jaws from happening to them."

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2013-07-16 06:52 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sure, but I prefer if my food doesn't talk back to me. Oh well, so it goes," Mano replies, seemingly unconcerned.

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2013-07-16 07:13 pm UTC (link)
Jerry shrugs again, turning to leave the room but keeping aware of the guy in case. "Enjoy the chicken."

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