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Alex Quill ([info]spacepalm) wrote,
@ 2011-08-18 22:21:00

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Through the miracles of Knowhere's science department, the Guardians have the benefit of quantum-tunneling signal arrays, capable of interfacing with most planets' major forms of communication.

So MacKenzie Rider is going to be receiving probably the longest distance phone call in the history of the planet, and certainly of his phone in particular.

"Hey, how's my favorite Fed who smells like saline?"

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2011-08-20 11:32 am UTC (link)
"Yes. It /is/ a nice gig. I'm not going back on a Corps beat for at least two years. Okay, so this is 'from SWORD' discreet. That's diffrent from other types of discretion. I'll have to talk to Dad to be sure it'll work."

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2011-08-20 11:36 am UTC (link)
"I mean, far be it for me to try to sidestep protocol by kissing up to another department--" Mac should be able to hear the conspiratory grin in his friend's voice. "But you're a Corpsman and part of Captain America's clubhouse. You owe me too many for me to just pass up that opportunity. This'll clear that time with the Spartoi and the cultural exchange program."

Ugh... grandpa's people. Great beer, lousy social manner.

"So, there's a girl?"

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2011-08-20 11:42 am UTC (link)
"Oh? /I/ thought we settled the Spartoi incident when I didn't make a big deal about the roomful of Badoon Homeworld plants that I'd /told/ you I was allergic to.... but who's counting?" Mac laughs. "I'll call Dad as soon as I can."

Starry-eyed sigh. "Andrea. Awesome Andrea. Gorgeous, brilliant, beautiful personality, and Fully Functional."

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2011-08-20 01:03 pm UTC (link)
"No, I cleared that up after the throwback Shi'ar girl didn't take it well when you wouldn't give up your number, remember? Vacation asteroid off Hezrou." Alex smiles. "Thanks. It's not so big that I think Abby- I mean, Director Brand, will send a team after me, but I'd rather just not give her the chance to turn down a tourist visa."

He listens to Mac and just chuckles. "Have you started writing her poetry yet, you big softy? And what's with the emphasis on the end there?"

Standard proverbs usually make it across, but pop culture is a bit outside Alex's area of expertise.

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2011-08-20 01:07 pm UTC (link)
"Dude, I do not /write/ poetry... I /paraphrase/ some of the Atlantean greats. And what Fully Functional means is for me to know and you to never, /ever/ find out."

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2011-08-20 01:16 pm UTC (link)
"...wow, you really /do/ have it bad. Good luck. She got a hot friend so we can double up and see the city?"

Mac's retort gives Alex some ideas as to what he's so smug about, but he'll let that slide for now.

"So how does working with the A-kids stack up against Corps work?"

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2011-08-20 01:24 pm UTC (link)
"I'll ask."

"It's a totally different ballgame. New York players, New York rules. Punches Get Pulled; protocol's completely different."

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2011-08-21 12:22 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, well, at least you're still pretty much in the same sandbox. No 'jurisdictions' to be spilling over."

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