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Ronald Weasley ([info]spidersbegone) wrote,
@ 2008-02-01 20:47:00

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010. 10/24/97
So, how brilliant was it not having classes today? Seriously. Since when to the professor have an all day staff meeting? Not that I'm complaining, of course. No classes was pretty sodding brilliant. Slept in, no homework. Wicked. And that quidditch match! Absolutely brill!

I think I may have asked Hermione out. Well, sort of. I'm not entirely sure. We were discussing the ball and she said it started 'round nine which I thought was a bit odd, yeah? Bit late and all that. But reckon it makes sense since it's for upper years. That's what Hermione said anyways and... I'm rambling. Er, right. Back to the point.

Before I really realized what the bloody hell I was doing, I asked her if she wanted to take a walk beforehand. She said yes. Is that a date? Erm. Well, does it count, I mean? We're going to the ball as friends so does that mean the walk's as friends too? Fucking hell. I'm so confused. Can I snog her on this walk?


I'm in the mood for some sweets and maybe a walk or something. Think I have some of Mum's cookies left in my trunk. And some chocolate frogs. Right, it's decided then. Sweets and walk since I've no homework (wicked feeling, isn't it?) and its the weekend.

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2008-02-02 04:31 am UTC (link)
I wonder when we'll get another...not anytime soon, I reckon.

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2008-02-02 04:34 am UTC (link)
Probably not. Don't think the teachers are keen on making this a regular occurence.

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