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stolidly ([info]stolidly) wrote,
@ 2009-04-29 23:55:00

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Sasuke's turned off his phone, locked his door, and won't be showing up anywhere for like the next ... 4-5 days. So yeah, that includes work and shit. Just an fyi if your char would notice/care.

Anyone who tries to contact him will get absolutely nothing, so short of breaking into his house don't try. :|

Sorry little notes like these are kind of gay but it's how I have to explain shit for my anti-social chars. xD/done

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2009-05-01 10:55 pm UTC (link)
pffffft she's transparent. shush.

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2009-05-01 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Awww well ... at least she's hot. and pink hair. can't go wrong with pink hair.

she still should prove it to Sasuke some day >>

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2009-05-01 11:02 pm UTC (link)
All hot and needy, needy?

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