August 23rd, 2008

04:22 pm - So much to do, so little time
We have a busy week ahead of us. See, we like to have smooth transitions into "big scary things" and University qualifies as a big scary thing that needs a relatively smooth transition so that we don't stress ourselves out. Most of the time that we stress, it is stress we put on ourselves, so the planning ahead of time thing really helps us out a lot.

So, the next couple of days will be spent cleaning the apartment. We have bunch of laundry to do because we have blankets and such and we really need to spend some time cleaning out the bedroom, moving the furniture and vacuuming everything. We have to get better about putting our clothes away, but I don't see that happening in the near future.

Trying to figure out a cooking schedule so that The Wers take more of an active part in the preparation. That way, we will have that extra time to study.

Monday, we need to go out and get a few choice school supplies. The best thing about that is that we still have a couple gift certificates from Christmas that might have about $10 on them.

Tuesday will be spent mostly at University. We are going to attend the New Students Welcome which includes tours of the school and an orientation to the rec center and the library. Also have to change our address and pick up out stipend check. Apparently somewhere between the first of the month and the end of the month somebody dropped a digit on our address and now things are being returned to the school. *sigh* Oh well, easy enough to fix. Hopefully we will get to pick up our parking permit and our student ID as well.

Wednesday we have to dig out all our books for Thursday - they have canceled the Thursday Geography lab because apparently you can't do the lab before you have the actually class - and our book bag. Also have to do any thing that requires last minute attention.

Thursday is the first day of class. I am going to shadow Yazuu for most of it along with several others. We are hoping that by next week, we will have pulled together a bit of a team to handle all the coursework and classes.

Of course we will let everyone know how we are doing.


Now, even though we cross-post everywhere right now, this is only for the convenience of our friends really because we care to keep in touch. IJ is our home for the moment and will remain so - we are comfortable here, even with the problems. No service is perfect and we are willing to stick it out for several personal reasons (besides, when Brad was starting up LJ, he had problems with the service to that had to be worked out). Don't expect us to hang out at other services (especially with school starting) and read anyone there more than once a week. If we comment, it will probably be old news by then.

By the way, we also manage a website - it is one that started with a slow stream of people and all of a sudden we had tons of email and more responsibility and visitors galore! It's not easy growing huge overnight, which is why we understand the problems </a></b></a>[info]squeaky is faced with. Also, being that he is dealing with trying to get legal custody of a nephew and hurricane fay...well, we get the stress of life smacking you all at once. Sure, there are things that he could be doing but there were things that Brad could have done when he was setting up LJ to a major service too. Sometimes we have to learn as we go.

Aside from all that, I guess that we have infinite patience for a lot of things (other than our own shortcomings), we we an early adopter so we didn't pay that much for a permanent account, and we have an extreme dislike for LJ because we feel betrayed and sold out by them.

That said, not to worry, we don't fault any of you for finding a place that works for you. We like it here and will crosspost for you.

(By the way, the opinion expressed here is my own and may or may not be shared by the rest of the Team. My opinion may be unpopular but it is my own.)

- Genesis

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08:02 pm - It's a Barber Shop, It's a Gun Barn, it's...
Early last week, Angeal and me went to Frankenmuth to have lunch.

On the way to the restaurant we pass quite a few small towns. One town, Otisville, had us with our jaws hanging down with their Gun Barn/Barber Shop. That's right folks, you can get your hair cut then browse for guns! That way, when hunting season comes around you can look your best!!

We also went through another town that showcased a big semi-trailer that said (in pink letters) BIG DICK. It was parked in a lot next to a store that had trash bags masking the windows with no trespassing signs all over the place. This prompted much laughter and the slight wish that we had carried the camera with us.

Why do we always get the "special" outings?

I wasn't actually going to say anything about this...but on television tonight, there was an ad for The Gun Barn/Barber Shop (they have over 3000 guns!). Still special...


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teamromy - August 23rd, 2008

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