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Sam Fury ([info]sammyfury) wrote in [info]thisismyweapon,
Nearly seven hours later, Sammy staked out a chair in Jason's hospital room and put her feet up on the side of his bed. With a sigh, she closed her eyes.

Once they'd been escorted to the landing field, she was taken into 'friendly' custody while Jason was immediately transported to the hospital. The locals stashed her in an interrogation room while waiting for Col. Fury to arrive. She did the polite thing and stayed put until he did, nearly three hours later. Three hours without access to a phone, an explanation, or coffee. It was still up in the air which one irritated her the most.

Nick found a silent Sammy when he did show up. There was no way he didn't know what she'd done. Leavenworth surveillance guaranteed that. He didn't bring it up and she didn't volunteer any information. His questions were met with terse answers and a request for an update on Jason's condition.

Mikel's involvement wasn't brought up at all.

When she was finally released, she called Evelyn and spun a lie about a SHIELD emergency, promising that Jason would call her when he was able. Heaven knew what Evelyn thought when they didn't turn up, or if their vehicle had been found. /She/ would have had it disposed of if she'd been the mastermind behind the crime. Mikel wasn't stupid, only arrogant and temporarily breathing air.

She didn't take time for a shower or an infusion of coffee. She went directly to the hospital, flashed her ID to keep the square badge from stopping her, and bared her teeth at the duty nurse for no good reason except that she felt like it. All she wanted to do was crawl into the bed with Jason and get some sleep.

Maybe with enough sleep she'd forget that she'd committed a whole bunch of federal crimes and let a couple of psychos loose on the population.

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