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` valesco { a post first war rpg } ([info]valesco_mods) wrote,
@ 2008-01-05 19:09:00

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Entry tags:available, characters, list, mod, plot, wish list

w i s h l i s t

wish list

Welcome to the official Valesco wish list! What this list does is allow players to advertise characters which they would like to see picked up, as well as give new players or players looking for another character a place to find suggestions. If you have a character that you want filled, which you do not want to fill yourself (for example, the other half of an OTP, a character needed for a plot (doesn't have to be a new character!), a sibling, etc.

Character Wanted: What's their name? If they don't have one, who are they going to be? (Ex. 'Romilda's Mummy')
Plot Description: Use this space to describe the plot that you want to fulfill to the best of your ability.
Character Specifics: Do you already have some set of ideas of what this character will be like? An age, occupation, personality trait? Put anything you want the prospective player to follow or include when creating this character.
PB Suggestions: If you've got a specific PB you want the player to use, note it here. Same goes for if you just have suggestions of who to use (these can be as vague as 'brunette', 'short', whatever!)

Easy peasy highlight and paste!

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Sage Yates
2008-11-16 05:15 am UTC (link)
Yates Family Tree

Sorry about that.

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