01:26pm 24/10/2009
So, I'm pretty much fucked now. Yeah. Fucked. Supposedly sometime next month, dana will be buying me a plane ticket back to Jax.  As it stands now, I'd have no place to stay. I did, but she fucked around with the situation for so long that now that my only option for a place to stay just moved out of his apt and moved in with a friend. Not that that's bad. Much easier on his wallet. It just kind of eliminates my only option. And unlike most people, I don't have a mommy and daddy to fall back on. So, I'll be roaming around again, I guess. On top of all that, she is now saying that she won't pay to ship my shit back like she said she would. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. She told me to find a way or ask someone - knowing damn good and well that I don't have anyone that I could ask for help. What type of shit is this? So, it looks like I'm losing all of my shit and will be without a place for awhile. Shit is not getting any easier and this time it appears that I'm completely fucked once again. Isn't life fuckin' wonderful? Now do people understand why I want to quit 90% of the time? It's an uphill battle and I'm absolutely sick of it. Just plain sick of it.
mood: depressed depressed
music: Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
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(no subject)
02:37am 26/10/2009 (UTC)
visigothicreign: Glass
Well, I'm flying back. I don't own a viable car to move cross country. Nor do I have the money for that. Plus my fear of driving that makes things even fucking better. I don't know. It's hard not to give up - especially when I know this bullshit might not quit happening to me.
picword: Glass
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(no subject)
02:50am 26/10/2009 (UTC)
viva la white girl
okay, well flying would be best, fastest and all. some of the bullshit will stop. i mean once you get away from the bullshit you're dealing with now at least. idk.
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(no subject)
03:00am 26/10/2009 (UTC)
Yeah, but I'll still be living in a cardboard box.. heh. That sounds kind of funny when it's put that way.
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