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wanderlust ([info]wanderlust) wrote,
@ 2008-04-23 17:19:00

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What is your definition of cheating?
What is your definition of cheating? 

My definition of cheat on your significant other is kind of fickle.  I would say that any sexual or extreme emotional attatchment to or with someone else would be cheating.  Flirting isn't cheating if you don't act on it.  Of course if you're flirting all the time and you can't control it you have a problem.  Keeping stuff from me even if it isn't that bad.  If you think you need to keep it from me, then you shouldn't be doing it.  Stuff like that.  I don't mind if the guy I'm dating has girls as friends.  Just don't lie.

My definition of cheating in school is somewhat hypocritical.   On homework, cheating would be copying someone elses answers.  Cheating on tests would be having some aid that puts you at an advantage over the other test takers.  Yeah, I copy, and I cheat.  Oh well. 

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