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weighed_down ([info]weighed_down) wrote,
@ 2011-06-07 14:38:00

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Taking in a Show
Edmund had been in New York for only a short time. Generally he avoided coming here, but when a pretty mob princess offers you a high-paying job to kill the guy who had her father murdered, you make an exception. He hadn't see hide or hair of any potential Hellfire Club agents. Maybe Shaw forgot about him or more likely just didn't care anymore. Edmund decided it was time for some much needed downtime. In jeans, t-shirt, and leather vest, he looked like just another biker as he walked up to the entrance to the dance club.

"Looks promising," He said to himself as he made his way in. A smile practically split his face as he caught sight of the dancers on stage. "Oh yeah, definitely promising." He pays the entry fee and takes a seat at the bar. "I'll have a Pepsi, or Coke if you don't serve it."

"What are you, twelve?" The bartender began to mock before Edmund grabbed him by the collar and brought them face to face.

"Do you have any, or not?"

"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

Edmund let the man go  and turned to take in the show.

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2011-06-08 12:13 am UTC (link)
Minnie watches with interest, then smiles slightly with a touch of awkwardness. "I'm sorry. If I'm supposed to know, I suppose I'm just not well up-to-date. It's certainly a very useful ability."

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2011-06-08 12:28 am UTC (link)
He notes her expression when she claims no knowledge. Not only had the bastard Shaw taken his legacy, but now it seemed he purposely buried his father's. Oh how there'd be hell to pay. He lowers his hand.

"Sorry. There are certain..individuals in this city who'd like to see me dead. It tends to make me a little paranoid." He sits in a nearby chair, elbows resting on his knees. "So who wants what done?"

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2011-06-08 12:42 am UTC (link)
"That's a perfectly understandable reaction to that kind of professional hazard. Unfortunately, my employer has it, too. He doesn't want to disclose his name this early in the process of doing business, but he's willing to put you on retainer if you're up for the jobs he has to do. The first... let's a call it a diagnostic job -- would be next week, and you would be paid more than the going rate if all stipulations are fulfilled."

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2011-06-08 12:58 am UTC (link)
"I can understand that." Edmund wasn't completely comfortable not knowing who the guy was, but he'd just deal with that as it came. "Diagnostic huh? What are the particulars?"

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2011-06-08 01:06 am UTC (link)
"An individual whose unprofessional operations have become irritating, with 'extra credit,' as it were, if certain of his equally unprofessional associates are present."

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2011-06-08 01:11 am UTC (link)
"Is this the matter of teaching a lesson, or removing them from the board entirely?"

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2011-06-08 01:18 am UTC (link)
"Both. That's the lesson: sometimes you don't get a second chance. It's admittedly a more useful lesson for other people. But the point is to have fewer purveyors in collateral damage getting by by bribing cops, in general. I can give you name, locations, movements, and description through your site, if you'll give me the contact info."

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2011-06-08 01:28 am UTC (link)
Edmund smiled as he handed her a card with the site name, and the username and password for this week.

"What can i say? When a sexy and clearly dangerous woman offers me a well-paying job, I find it hard to refuse."

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2011-06-08 01:41 am UTC (link)
Minnie took the cared, stored it carefully, and smiled. "Why, thank you." And she reached as much as she could for a quick cheek-kiss. Maybe more of an edge-of-the-jaw kiss in their cases.

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2011-06-08 01:57 am UTC (link)
Edmund smiles at the kiss on his jaw.

"I may wait a bit to wash this spot." Edmund stood up. "You know how to contact me now so I'll be waiting." Before he exits, he turns back for a second, a teasing smile on his face. "I don't suppose if I excell with flying colors I could get a real dance next time?"

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2011-06-08 02:02 am UTC (link)
She smiled. "Then you suppose incorrectly," she drawled a little. "If you make my employer happy, I will make sure I make you happy."

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2011-06-08 02:05 am UTC (link)
"Well if that's not incentive I don't know what the hell is. Good nigh, Ms. Minnie." Edmund took his leave of the private room and then the club. Suddenly New York seemed worth staying in for a little longer.

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