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w i l l ☠ ([info]willss) wrote,
@ 2008-05-29 22:53:00

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Wow, Gryffindor girls are real bitches. Stupid bitches, I might add.

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2008-05-30 04:29 am UTC (link)
No, the Gryffindors have just stopped producing brain cells. But any Slytherin could have told you that's been happening for centuries.

Oh, she's fine. They're all just jealous because she brought Ravenclaw the quidditch cup.

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2008-05-30 04:35 am UTC (link)
Well, isn't that inconvenient. Brain cells happen to be rather useful things...
And I'm pleased to see at lest some things don't change in the old Castle.

Oh, Cheers to that! They should have a celebratory drink for that victory. Assuming that alcohol is still illegal in Hogwarts, I say they should definitely do it. They deserve it after all.

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