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xxsmallzxx ([info]xxsmallzxx) wrote,
@ 2008-02-22 22:18:00

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 well  i worked tonight.. we were actually pretty busy for the icky weather we had.
I work tomorrow morning 10-4 then after we're having a bday dinner thing for Kayla.. omgsh she's two years old already , my little niece / sister whatever you wanna call her, is growing up so fast. (= aaahhh so yeah my mom invited my sister and patrick to come too.. so we'll see how that goes. they are just uhg they piss me off when they're around kayla its like they don't even care... like oh yeah i gave birth to her ohwell.. uhg and i feel sorry for the kid thats on the way. GOD HELP HIM/HER!!! uhg ohwell

i'm suppose to go see amy tomorrow.. so exciteddd

then sunday i work 5-9 boo.. sundays are always my days off bc i help my mom ohwell.

post laterr!

Kay Bear <3 i love her so much .. ha that's my BIRTH CONTROL ;P

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2008-02-23 11:46 pm UTC (link)
ha thanks.. and I WILL be posting more pics of her! & yes.. another one uhggg...idk how she's gonna be able to keep it if she' still with him bc he can't be around little ones

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