Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Apple and Paco
Setting: Woods outside campus and then Apple and Pacos room
Rating: PG, drug use
Summary: The boys are up to their usual

Apple was enjoying his first few week back at school but he was in need of a good night with his room mate. He had changed into his favorite lounge pants and was leaning against his bed room door, smirking at Paco. "Hey man wanna go to the woods?" he asked flashing a joint and his little grin.


mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 9th, 2010 02:57 am (UTC) (Link)
Paco was laying on his bed, still in his outfit from wandering around. He lifted his head to look at what Apple was waving around, and grinned widely. He and his roomie had needed the chance to chill, and this was the perfect excuse.

"Hell yeah!" He hopped off the bed.

To bring pudding or to not bring pudding?
meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: September 9th, 2010 04:41 am (UTC) (Link)
There were snacks a plenty stashed away in the room in between the two of them. Apple was sure they would wake up the next morning in a pile of empty pudding cups and empty chip bags.

Apple excitedly stuffed some matches into his pocket and walked with Paco to the woods, doing their best to not look suspicious. He hadn't really had a chance to catch up with his roomie since school started, it was the perfect opportunity. "How was summer?" he asked striding alongside Paco.
mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 9th, 2010 10:00 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Not bad." Paco grinned at Apple. "Didn't do much. But hey, only so much of the family I can take, you know? Glad to be back! How about you, man? Are you soooo happy to be in school?" He might be being just a little bit sarcastic.
meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: September 9th, 2010 10:15 pm (UTC) (Link)
Apple laughed at that. "I know what you mean man," he grinned. "We went on a two week hike, got back right before school. It's nice to be back in civilization, but man this structured bullshit," he shook his head. "What difference does it make if I learn how to flick my wand at seven in the morning?" he laughed.
mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 11th, 2010 02:03 pm (UTC) (Link)
"None at all. The school system is fucking bullshit in general. It's generalized, mass-produced crap." Paco shakes his head.

"The emphasis on restrictions and total lack of freedom is, like...ridiculous. I swear we'd all be better off on our own, you know? School doesn't help anybody. It's just a dictatorship designed to take away the very few rights we have, man. I'd protest or something but Dad says he doesn't want any letters from the school until at least the third week."
meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: September 11th, 2010 04:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
Apple loved it when Paco got on a roll talking about the man and the system. "Yeah man," he said with a big grin as they trekked through the woods, looking for a good smoking spot.

"I bet we'd all make better marks if we chose our own course of study, we could learn more of what we wanted instead of wasting brain cells on mundane bullshit. Ma said the same thing to me too. I guess that means I can't not write my potions paper on the basis that I find the premise completely stereotypical and morally offensive," he rolled his eyes and sat himself down on a log.

"Parents man, they're almost worse than teachers," he pulled out his joint and gave it a light by striking a match against a rock. After taking a long drag he handed it over to Paco.
From: (Anonymous) Date: September 14th, 2010 01:59 am (UTC) (Link)
"All forms of authority are bullshit, man. Our parents, the school, the police, the government. It's all crap. Any form of government heads to Totalitarianism eventually. Listening to their bullshit just brainwashes us and drags us down. I'd burn my essays, if I could."

Paco flopped down beside Apple, still ranting.

"You have to leave life fully open to the choices of the people. It's the only way we're gonna be free. Big government, small government, it's all a fuckton of lies."
mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 14th, 2010 02:00 am (UTC) (Link)

fuck you Scribbld

meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: September 25th, 2010 10:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
Apple grinned in his good nature and leaned back. "Yeah man, fucking government. The best way to fix it is to tear it down from the inside."

It was nice to be back at school and sneaking off to do illegal activities with his best friend. He had missed their hang out sessions during the summer. "We'll show 'em some day man."
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