Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute
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Characters: Rowan and OPEN!
Setting: Friday afternoon, After classes
Content: Probably SFW, save for some cursing
Summary: Rowan goes out to try some new spells and accidentally might almost set someone on fire. Whoops?

Picking a place on the commons that was fairly out of the way, Rowan decided to go out and try some new spells, and some old ones that had given her trouble, before the dance was underway. There was so much going on with her that she figured that a little more practice wouldn't hurt, and she had her dress and such already picked out. So after hurrying to change out of her uniform, she grabbed her wand and her ever-present bag and set off to blow off some steam. Or possibly create some.

A short while later, she had managed to change her shoes back from their new purple color and though she wasn't sure why the levitation charm had done that, she wasn't going to let it get her down. Opening her textbook and her journal to a new page, she studied the incantation before her and frowned. This was one that for some reason always gave her trouble, but with a little tutoring recently and some new-found courage to try it, she bit her lip and crumpled up a piece of paper. Setting it on the ground, she backed off a few steps and turned to face it. Taking a deep breath, she pointed her wand at the unoffensive bit of white paper and tried to confidently cast her spell.


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Characters: Rowan and Yev
Setting: Sonnier Dormitory, Thursday afternoon
Rating: SFW most likely
Summary: Yev isn't in the common room! GASP SHOCK! Rowan goes looking for him.

Humming to herself quietly, Rowan sat at the table in the common room and glanced at the clock on the wall. Well, that was odd. It had been almost a half an hour that she had been waiting there, and Yev was nowhere to be found. They had agreed to meet to work on this really awesome project of his, and he was a no show! Rowan sighed a little and looked at the books around her. Well, she could probably gather them all up again without too much of a problem, and then she did know where his dorm room was...

She decided that going up to check if he was there couldn't hurt. Maybe he had forgotten?

Collecting her things, and putting the books in her bag except for a few that were the most pertinent, she made her way to what she knew to be Yev's dorm room. Books all under one arm, she was able to knock on the door easily, calling out after she did, "Hey Yev? It's Rowan. I have the books for your project?"

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Characters: Rowan and Quinn
Setting: Transitional Dormitory, Tuesday after classes
Rating: SFW most likely
Summary: Rowan left something at Quinn's house and is attempting to find out what happened to it.

Making her way to the Transitional Dorm, Rowan chewed on her lower lip absently. It had been a little strange staying away from home all summer long, first at Michi's and then at Quinn's house, and she still didn't really feel like she had a full break this year. Sure there were fun times, and relaxing times, and happy times, but not being in her own house for it, and with everything with her mother, she was in a very weird place, brain wise. She had been for a very long time now.

It was probably for that reason that she lost her journal. She remembered writing in it one night while staying at Quinn's, but when she got back to school and unpacked, it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Entering the dorm, she looked around the common room, feeling a little out of place and like she was invading someone else's territory. Scanning the crowd, she tried to see if Quinn was around down there. That would make this much easier.

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Characters: Yevgeni and Rowan
Setting: Book shop downtown, Sunday afternoon
Rating: SFW
Summary: Yevgeni is caught red handed.

Yevgeni had grown over the summer, it was getting ridiculous. He had kept track and since his birthday in April he had grown close to four inches. His pants were all too short so he ended up rolling them up into shorts. He wasn't too bothered by it though, as he found the heat of both Hesperia and New Orleans too oppressive for long pants anyways. Regardless of his pants situation, he headed back to New Orleans early for some book shopping before classes started. He hit Old Tom's Tomes and scavenged through the history and magical creatures sections first.

After finding all the books he wanted there he moved on to the fiction section in the store, looking for some recreational reading. It was while he was searching through a shelf of books that his eyes caught sight of several muggle and wizard vampire books. His eye twitched slightly at this sight and he tried to ignore the itch in his fingers to start reorganizing the books. He turned away from the daunting shelf only to return seconds later, checking around to make sure no one was watching him. First he took all the vampire books off of the shelf and piled them on the floor by his feet. He then pulled the books from one of the shelves and piled them in front of the reserves of vampire books.

He then pulled the reserves of fiction books from the book off their original shelf and piled them on the floor in a separate pile. Yevgeni began picking up the vampire books hurriedly, crushing them to his chest as he tried to put as many away at the same time as he could.

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Who: Rowan & OPEN.
Setting: Commons, Wednesday after classes
Content: SFW (I would assume?)
Summary: Rowan is actually outside and in the commons for once, and trying to review for the upcoming finals when someone provides a welcome interruption.

The emotional roller coaster ride that the last month plus had been for her aside, Rowan was actually in a decent mood. Her mother's disappearance was always in her mind, but at this point it was not a driving thought. There had been too much else to think of, the good and the boring, the amazing and the less than amazing, and her mood had more or less evened out. Sure she was still worried, but now she was able to concentrate on other things for a while.

With that mindset present, she decided to try her hand at being social again. Sort of. Instead of hiding in her room or out in the woods/swamp that surrounded the campus, she was out in the middle of the commons, set up under a tree with her books and her discman. Reading up on some of the things that she would be tested on shortly, Rowan was also looking up every so often, watching the people that milled about the campus in the warmth and the sunlight.

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Characters: Rowan and Leon
Setting: Sonnier dorm, Sunday around lunch time.
Content: NSFW for language most likely.
Summary: Rowan talks to Leon about some things.

Rowan had been out in the woods for most of the morning, trying to combine wizard and Muggle magic to make a tracking spell. It was hard work, and took a lot of research, and it had failed spectacularly. She was missing too many things, it was the wrong time of day, and she was starting to get too tired to think. Once she hit that point, Rowan decided that it was best for her to bring her things back to her room and maybe try to get some food and read something that didn't have to do with spells for the time being.

Glancing around before she opened the door to the Sonnier dorm, Rowan breathed a sigh of relief that no one had seen her coming from the woods. Re-adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she turned the knob to the dorm that she lived in and closed it behind her, lost in thought. Or un-thought. There wasn't really any one particular things that was on her mind, but more a jumble of things that she couldn't focus on. Everything felt like it was whirling out of control, and she felt like she needed time to sort it all out. Head looking at the ground, she started into the common room, thinking that she would make her way back up the stairs to her room.

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Text to Tatum
Hey, I'm sorry I haven't gotten to you before this. There are a lot of rumors floating around and with everything with my mom being missing I've been a really bad friend. How are you? Do you need me?, where are you?

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Setting: Just outside of the school grounds, near the student parking lot.
Content: NSFW to be safe? Language at least on one side is likely.
Summary: Bekka is trying to be a good daughter, but it kind of sucks like a frog's ass, Rowan may be losing it.

lets see how far we've come / lets see how far we have to go / lets see how far we've come )

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Characters: Rowan and Sibyl
Setting: Sonnier common room, Thursday
Rating: SFW
Summary: Sibyl has another spell and Rowan gets a warning.

Something was about to come through. )

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[Text to Leon, current time]
I really hope you're alright.

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