
cabotine | |
Characters: Rowan and Adriana Setting: Library, after classes on Wednesday Rating: I'm going to start this at SFW but who knows <.< Content: Rowan goes to the library often. This is not new. However, she doesn't always see Adriana there...
There was a lot of research of her own to do still, but Rowan was putting that aside in favor of getting her actual school work finished. She liked to stay ahead of the game, so to speak, when it came to her academics, so the project that she was working on was one that wasn't due for a few weeks. The way Rowan saw it, if she did all of the work that she knew about when she could, she was both more free to do other things, and anything else that came up wouldn't be in addition to regular classwork. The beginning of each semester was often a flurry of work for her, just trying to get a little ahead to get that breathing room. It felt like she might need it.
Heading into the stacks in the library, after walking past the librarian who knew her well at this point, Rowan went over to the section that held the books that she needed. Just because she wasn't good at the practical aspects of Defense Against the Dark Arts, didn't mean that she couldn't at least know the theories well. Her project was for that class, and she decided to study up on the background. With a solid background, she felt she could perhaps get a better handle on the spellwork that would be involved with it. Her attention diverted by looking at the books in front of her, anything could happen around her without her knowledge.

crescentcitynpc | |
If you are interested in signing up for Strife, please write below with the names of the two people you will have on your teams. Good luck!
List of Strife Partners |
Name One |
Name Two |
Pair Number |
Shelby Ginnish Hunter Sommer Keegan Howe Holly J Santos Vincenzo Ciccarelli
Melchor Ruiz Michi Passos Rowan Cabot Quinn Van Rensselaer Jackson Shea |
1 2 3 4 5 |
[[OOC: Have one character comment here with the names of the people on their team. So if Ginger and Colby want to be on a team and Ginger is posting, she would write "Ginger McAvery and Colby Ayers". Any questions? Contact a mod!]]

crescentcitynpc | |
There has been some dedicated planning in the works through the summer months, and now that things are finalized, it is our pleasure to make this announcement. We would like to welcome the return of Strife!
For those who are not familiar, Strife used to be held here at the Crescent City Institutue back before the Vietnam War. It was stopped for a time, but we have decided that now is the time to bring the tournament back to the school. Some details about Strife are:
1) This is a school wide tournament. Participants are to pair up with the other student of their choice in order to participate. Only two students per team please, and no solo entries will be accepted.
2) You have to be a Sophomore or above, regardless of age, in order to ensure that you have the proper grounding in the basic spellwork necessary, and you may not be on Academic Probation currently.
3) The games will begin on Halloween night at 9:00 in the Commons when the Headmistress will announce the start.
4) Strife includes feats of endurance, spellwork, maneuvering, riddles, strategy, wandwork and critical thinking. These events will last the school year and will be spaced out in order to ensure that all participants will be able to keep up with their regular school work and all extracurricular activities, including Quidditch and Quodpot.
Prizes will be announced on Halloween Night, but will include such things as House Points, Galleons, a Cruise, badges for your robes, and many other things.
Students have until October 30th at Midnight to sign up on the board outside of the Headmistress’ Office. Both students in a team must be entered at the same time.
Good Luck to all who enter!
[[OOC: If you have any questions for the headmistress, please respond here in character. Any questions for the mods? You know where to find us!]]

ccimods | |
Characters: Everyone! Setting: Friday evening, dance hall Content: NSFW. We know that by now. Summary: Homecoming dance and festivities! (Sorry it's late guys -_-) The hall was decked out in the colors of house Sonnier, champions of the homecoming game against the San Diego Academy that happened just before the dance. Players and spectators had just enough time to shower and change before the dance in their honor was started. Teachers, administration, heads of house and staff were all present for the dance, and Professor Simmons wore an extra special outfit just for the occasion. Her silver, sparkling pant-suit was almost as bright as the lights around the dance floor. House and school pride were high tonight, as they should be. There was nothing like a win to start off the school year, or the quodpot season. It was a good thing that there weren't any real injuries for CCI tonight, though all who attended the game would admit that when the quod exploded between the two players, it was a rather spectacular sight. No doubt that would be a topic of conversation around the punchbowl this evening. Tags: !event

cabotine | |
Characters: Rowan and OPEN! Setting: Friday afternoon, After classes Content: Probably SFW, save for some cursing Summary: Rowan goes out to try some new spells and accidentally might almost set someone on fire. Whoops? Picking a place on the commons that was fairly out of the way, Rowan decided to go out and try some new spells, and some old ones that had given her trouble, before the dance was underway. There was so much going on with her that she figured that a little more practice wouldn't hurt, and she had her dress and such already picked out. So after hurrying to change out of her uniform, she grabbed her wand and her ever-present bag and set off to blow off some steam. Or possibly create some. A short while later, she had managed to change her shoes back from their new purple color and though she wasn't sure why the levitation charm had done that, she wasn't going to let it get her down. Opening her textbook and her journal to a new page, she studied the incantation before her and frowned. This was one that for some reason always gave her trouble, but with a little tutoring recently and some new-found courage to try it, she bit her lip and crumpled up a piece of paper. Setting it on the ground, she backed off a few steps and turned to face it. Taking a deep breath, she pointed her wand at the unoffensive bit of white paper and tried to confidently cast her spell. "INCENDIO!" Tags: !incomplete, rowan cabot
