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Crescent City Institute - 2011 Homecoming Dance
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2011 Homecoming Dance
Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Friday evening, dance hall
Content: NSFW. We know that by now.
Summary: Homecoming dance and festivities! (Sorry it's late guys -_-)

The hall was decked out in the colors of house Sonnier, champions of the homecoming game against the San Diego Academy that happened just before the dance. Players and spectators had just enough time to shower and change before the dance in their honor was started. Teachers, administration, heads of house and staff were all present for the dance, and Professor Simmons wore an extra special outfit just for the occasion. Her silver, sparkling pant-suit was almost as bright as the lights around the dance floor.

House and school pride were high tonight, as they should be. There was nothing like a win to start off the school year, or the quodpot season. It was a good thing that there weren't any real injuries for CCI tonight, though all who attended the game would admit that when the quod exploded between the two players, it was a rather spectacular sight. No doubt that would be a topic of conversation around the punchbowl this evening.


ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:11 pm (UTC) (Link)


Just getting started.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 10:50 am (UTC) (Link)


Having gotten to the dance just after it started, Rowan looked around the hall and took in the decorations. Even though she was in Sonnier house, she didn't exactly care about Quodpot so much. It was nice that their house had won, but she would have attended the dance regardless of which house it was that had won. Or even if the school had lost.

That was a rather large change for her from this time last year. She had never really been much of a dance person, and even last year when she had surprisingly won the title of Homecoming Queen, she had been apprehensive about actually going to the dance itself. That apprehension wasn't there anymore. So when she looked around the hall, she did so without the nervousness that usually came with being at a school function. There was a smile on her face as she went to get herself a glass of punch to start off the evening.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: October 3rd, 2011 01:13 pm (UTC) (Link)


Frankie was hanging out by the punch feeling a little awkward. This was the first dance in a year that she hadn't had Tatum with her. At least her ridiculous prom dresses were a source of entertainment, but this year nothing.

Spotting Rowan, she nodded at her former roommate and walked over to her. "What did we win to get our house colours everywhere?" she joked, flicking her hair back.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 02:45 pm (UTC) (Link)


Laughing Rowan turned to her former roommate and smiled as she spoke. "Judging from the two of us at least, I'm going to go with smartest and best dressed? You look fantastic!" She loved the way Frankie dressed all the time, but seeing her dressed up always made Rowan envious of the way she carried herself so effortlessly.

Aware of the fact that she actually liked the way she looked in her new dress, she somewhat self-consciously ran a hand over the material. "I feel like I don't even see you anymore. How is everything going?" There was genuine curiosity in her voice. She liked Frankie and did hope that she was doing well, especially after all of the drama from the year before.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: October 3rd, 2011 05:19 pm (UTC) (Link)


Frankie beamed and swished her dress a little before kissing Rowan on both cheeks affectionately. "The colour of your dress brings out your eyes" she pointed out.

Rowan was so sweet. Even with her own problems she took the time out to ask Frankie of hers. She always had. Waving a hand she dismissed the question. "Much better, for now. I don't want to jinx anything" she admitted with a little chuckle. She didn't want to get too serious, she imagined Rowan got that a lot these days but still she asked. "How are you?"
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:33 pm (UTC) (Link)


Rowan smiled at the kisses, returning them as she always had. Frankie was just so easy to like. "Thank you so much. It's hard not being able to run outfits past you anymore. I called Gabe over for an opinion before I dared the outdoors."

"I'm glad things are going better for you. And I'm... ok. Doing ok. Actually I had a question for you, and just haven't had the opportunity to ask yet. I think I could use your help with something." Rowan also didn't want to have the mood turn to serious. They were here to have fun, after all.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:42 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Well you can always call me over" Frankie offered. "Or come raid my closet. You know I have too many clothes to wear them all" she joked.

Curious, Frankie cocked her head and set down her cup of punch. "That sounds interesting! What is it?"
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:45 pm (UTC) (Link)


"I'll be sure and do that in the future! We need some time to just relax together again. I miss you being around." Which was true, certainly. It was very different for Rowan, being by herself in a room.

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to help me plan a little party for Keegan for his birthday. I've never... had a party before? So I don't really know what to do here." She was planning on getting Keegan a tattoo from the place where she worked for his 18th birthday, but a party was never a bad idea, and she thought Frankie would be able to help her. It certainly would help keep her mind off of things.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:47 pm (UTC) (Link)


Frankie's eyes shined at the thought of organising a party. All those decorations! Party invites! She jumped at the chance. "That sounds so much fun! My mom plans parties all the time, I'd love to help."
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:51 pm (UTC) (Link)


Rowan's smile immediately brightened. "You would? Oh god that's such a relief. I don't know the first thing about it! I figured we can have it at my house in Massachusetts? It's on the floo network so it's easy to get to. And his birthday is in November so we have some time..."

She had been feeling so out of sorts and at loose ends, that a party might just be the thing to help her cheer up. And planning it would certainly help her mind concentrate on something that was fun.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: October 3rd, 2011 08:58 pm (UTC) (Link)


Frankie clapped her hands excitedly, her brain already whirring. "Are themed parties still in?" she wondered aloud. "I mean, a good theme means everyone has a good time. Especially if it enables girls to dress like hookers" she half joked.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 3rd, 2011 09:00 pm (UTC) (Link)


Eyes widening a little in thought, Rowan considered the idea for a moment before answering. "I... don't know? But I think that would be fun. Other than Halloween I don't think I've ever been to a themed party, actually. As long as it's something the birthday boy would like, sounds like fun! What did you have in mind? And... you better help me dress for this then!"
ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:11 pm (UTC) (Link)


Congratulations House Sonnier and CCI!
che_bel_viso From: [info]che_bel_viso Date: October 3rd, 2011 10:55 am (UTC) (Link)


There was nothing Vinnie liked better than going to a dance. He was dressed in a somewhat casual way this year, deciding that being comfortable was key tonight, and his hat was set at a jaunty angle that matched his smile.

Surveying the growing crowd, he decided to go and watch the dance floor for a while to see what the crowd was like. Moving over to the edge of the dancing area in front of the podium, his head started bobbing a little to the music. Turning to the person next to him, he decided to strike up an amiable conversation.

"They got a good DJ this time, huh?"
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: October 3rd, 2011 07:08 pm (UTC) (Link)


Sunny had just finished dancing with some friends when she made her way to the edge of the dance floor. Her face was a little flushed and she was smiling brightly when she heard Vinnie's voice. "Oh I know right?!" she said excitedly. It was the first time in a while that she had been in a really good mood.

"Were you at the game tonight?!" she asked.
che_bel_viso From: [info]che_bel_viso Date: October 4th, 2011 11:05 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Was I-- Was I at the game tonight? Who are you talking to, Soleggiato? Of COURSE I was there, cheering on the school and all my friends! I don't even need to ask if YOU were there. Did you see that explosion?! Man, that was something. I'm surprised that no one, like, died!"

Ever enthusiastic talking about sports, be it soccer or bacci, quodpot or quidditch, Vinnie was his usual animated, Italian self as he turned to face Sunny. He spoke with a lively expression in his face and unconscious waves of his hands.
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: October 5th, 2011 06:12 pm (UTC) (Link)


"RIGHT?!?!" she replied just as enthusiastically. "It was so insane! I was like... WHOA! And that fumble in the last quarter?! I thought I was gonna have a heart attack!" her hands were moving just as much as his and she realized how funny they must look. Her face reddened just a bit and she laughed.

"It's nice to be back, isn't it?" she asked.
che_bel_viso From: [info]che_bel_viso Date: October 6th, 2011 09:40 am (UTC) (Link)


"I'm going to be remembering this one for a long, long time. We played well tonight. Not that I was playing, but I'll accept a little pardonable pride on the teams behalf. Obviously they knew I was in the stands and they should be playing harder to impress me." He was obviously teasing, a broad grin on his face now.

Vinnie turned and smiled with real warmth at Sunny. "As nice as it is to be at home with my family, it's nice to be down here with my other family too. I miss this place when I'm not here. How about you?"
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: October 8th, 2011 04:44 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Seriously, it was wicked good. Not as good as last years though," she gave him a meaningful nudge. She had been so proud to compete in last years homecoming game and of course was devastated at the results of last years quodpot season. That was just one year though, she knew they could come back. "Oh obviously! They knew they had to impress us Beaus," she grinned.

"Absolutely. I was bored to tears this summer. Don't get me wrong, I love New York, no other place like it, but this place... it's home number two," she nodded. "I hate being away from it."
ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:11 pm (UTC) (Link)


Homecoming King and Queen! Who will it be?
crescentcitynpc From: [info]crescentcitynpc Date: October 1st, 2011 02:30 pm (UTC) (Link)

Homecoming Court Announcement

The Headmistress stood up on the podium, holding her hands up for silence. Once the noise had died down, she spoke clearly and loudly with the sonorous spell she had cast moments before.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Students and Teachers, I would like to first congratulate House Sonnier's team on an excellent victory this evening. You all played well, and we hope you will continue to play well over the coming year. There are many interesting things going to be happening here at school this year, but you will hear more about that in an upcoming announcement. For now, I would like to present to you your Homecoming King, Queen, Prince, and Princess.

For King and Queen, we present to you Melchor Ruiz and and Ella Parry! And your Homecoming Prince and Princess are Casey Rycroft and and Colby Ayers! Congratulations and please come up to the stage for your crowns and flowers before your Royal Dance."
ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:12 pm (UTC) (Link)


Dancers hit the floor!
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: October 4th, 2011 12:51 am (UTC) (Link)


Meka snuck away from the dance for just one minute to grab a cigarette outside. She crouched down low near the edge of the building and inhaled, closing her eyes and enjoying the calm for once. It hadn't been a terrible start to the year and she had been pretty excited for cheering in her first game. She had been practicing cheer routines all summer on the beach, it was strange to do them all in front of people.

She leaned against the wall a little and took a long drag on her cigarette, just trying to revel in the day.
ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:12 pm (UTC) (Link)


Party is still in full swing!
ccimods From: [info]ccimods Date: October 1st, 2011 02:12 pm (UTC) (Link)


Dance is over, but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop!
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