Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

December 2nd, 2013

Capturing the Pawns @ 07:21 pm


Their first few targets had been acquired, but there were still a few more pawns that they needed to capture. Teams were sent out to capture the remaining pawns.

November 1st, 2013

Flashback--oops! @ 09:05 pm


Joe looked at the football on the floor.  Then he looked at the broken lamp.  Then he looked at the football.  Then the lamp again.  Then the lamp some more. 

Then the nearest doorways.

Then the lamp again.

Then Misha.

"...this is all your fault," he said.

October 31st, 2013

Not fair (meme) @ 06:27 pm


So not fair. Why did he had to get a hair cut everything Mom came back? It was one of the first things she made him do. She took him shopping for new clothes and made him get a hair cut, the whole time talking Russian to him. And he had to talk Russian to her. They didn't even have baseball in Russia. You never saw a Russia team on tv. He knew, 'cause he looked for it.

She never made Anya get a hair cut. Anya could have all the hair she wanted. If he had to get one, so should Anya. THAT would be fair.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay