Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 9th, 2011


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Date: December 10th, 2011 12:28 am (UTC)

11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Jingle Bells
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Date: December 11th, 2011 03:39 pm (UTC)


Dani was not looking forward to the holidays. Considering the disaster that had been Thanksgiving, she was almost tempted to say that she was going to stay at the school for winter break but her mom had convinced her otherwise.

Despite not wanting to be there, she was looking quite festive and even wearing a meemaw approved dress. She still refused to get on the dance floor though, so she stood off the the side, teasing and taunting almost everyone she saw and laughing loudly.
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Date: December 14th, 2011 11:40 pm (UTC)


Shelby was actually pretty pyshced for the Christmas holidays to start. Or more so to get back to British Columbia. He'd been watching ski reports online the past few weeks and it was just about killing him, practically every resort in the province was open for business. He figured he had atleast a good two weeks or so of snowboarding to catch up on. Georgia was fun and all, and maybe it was getting a bit too cold for shorts but nothing was quite like fresh Canadian powder.

He'd just snuck back in from smoking a joint and was sticking a bit to the outskirts. He'd probably head back on the dance floor soon but he wanted to stay atleast where there was no teachers around for a few minutes. Noticing Dani laughing at something he moved over a bit closer, already a bit giggly himself from the weed. He always thought she was a pretty cool chick, killer at Quodpot too.

"Hey! what's so funny?" He laughed kind of goofily, nudging the girl in her arm gently.
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Date: December 14th, 2011 11:52 pm (UTC)


Dani laughed even more when Shebly scooted up next to her, snorting a little. She covered her mouth embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm a lil' drunk," she said using her index finger and thumb to indicate just how drunk she was.

"But lookit this tool," she said pointing to one of the kids from Quirank wearing a terrible holiday sweater. "Since when does Santa ride a bike?" she giggled, leaning into Shelby a little.
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Date: December 15th, 2011 12:28 am (UTC)


Shelby leaned in a bit further, laughing more when Dani admitted she was drunk. "No worries. I'm like this high." He giggled holding up his hand in the same way, even though he knew he was alot more than just a tiny bit baked.

Looking to where Dani was pointing, Shelby practically broke into a fit laughter. That had to be one of the ugliest sweaters he ever saw. "Oh my god." He managed, "That's..fucking horrific, I don't even know.. Maybe Santa's trying something new? Except not man, that sweater has to be old as fuck."
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Date: December 15th, 2011 12:41 am (UTC)


Now Dani really couldn't stop giggling, she snorted again and quickly covered her mouth. "Y'all must be nuts," she said quietly. "Tryin' somethin' like that at the school dance!"

She laughed even harder at his input, glad to know she wasn't the only one who felt the horrific sweater was beyond unreal. "It's like..." she giggled and tried again. "It's like he's wearing a little blue tooth er somethin'," she pointed. "I think the only way to make it worse is addin' like a team of elves on tandem bikes."
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Date: December 15th, 2011 09:10 pm (UTC)


"Oh yeah I'm that nuts." Shelby laughed, waving his arms around in the air all crazy like. "You're one to talk though, drunky-pants." He teased, still giggling.

"I know right? I was just trying to figure out what that even is.. I was thinking maybe headphones with an antennae. Bluetooth though, maybe you're right, very hip." He looked over again at the Quirank kid in the sweater, still cracking. There was practically tears in his eyes. "None of it makes sense man I don't know if it could get any worse. Like whats that shit in front of his mouth, is he like blazing up or something." He strained his eyes a bit across the dance floor. "Or did the kid just spill shit on himself."
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Date: December 15th, 2011 10:31 pm (UTC)


Her cheeks flushed brightly and she hid behind her hand one last time. "'Least I can just say I'm feelin' the holiday vibe," she giggled. "Yer eyes is all red," she poked his cheek lightly. "Whatchu gonna say when Ichi Sato asks wha's wrong with yer eyes?" she teased.

Pouting at the Quirank kid she could barely keep it together. "Oooo, maybe it is an antennae and headphones, like he's phonin' his boys at the north pole," she giggled.

"Oh! I know what it is!" she said loudly. "The deers told him to fuck off cause they didn't wanna lug his fat ass around anymore. And because they spiteful, ungrateful little bastards, they flew up above him and shat on santa the whole way!"
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Date: December 15th, 2011 11:29 pm (UTC)


"I'm like the master cover-upper." Shelby informed her grinning but kind of looking around a bit for any teachers. He really wasn't down for getting busted so close to Christmas, especially with the big concert coming up, not to mention what his parents would say. They'd probably return all his presents just to prove a point. "I'll just tell them my girlfriend broke my heart or you made me cry or something." He laughed again, trying to subtly push his hat down and a bit of hair in front of his eyes.

"He probably deserved it man." She shook his head one more time at the poor kid, she was right it did kind of look like shit, the shirt itself and the stain or whatever it was. "He probably treats em like shit. Serves his fat ass right probably havin to bike around himself."
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Date: December 15th, 2011 11:50 pm (UTC)


"Awwww," she squished his face with her hands and giving him pouty lips. "Poor baby, I probably did somethin' real mean. Things is?" she grinned. "They'd believe it! An' I'd be in detention 'til... fuck, I'm pretty much always in detention anyways," she gave him a nudge. "Basically live there."

Dani laughed and waved at the poor kid. "Honey, it aint about you, it's about yer sweater," she blew him a kiss then linked arms with Shelby. "Perhaps we should vacate," she grinned, pointing over at Michael Cooper, the advanced transfiguration teacher. He looked pissed but that wasn't anything new. "Cooper might take our heads off!"
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Date: December 25th, 2011 06:44 pm (UTC)


Though things with Sam had gone down with a lot less dramatic input than Tatum had expected, she still felt anxious as she waited for Mackenzie to come and meet her. They had pre-arranged things, sort of, as in she had at least told the blonde what her plan for the evening was. Coming clean with Sam, and hopefully getting to have a stupid slow dance with the tall blonde shortly after that. She wasn't much of a dancer, but it was sort of a special occasion. It was a big step, and her heart was still racing. She had only told Sam, it brought the total of people who knew she was gay up to a grand total of about three, but it still felt like a big step.

She was single, and she wasn't going to go running. She wasn't going to stay single long, but it wasn't going to be like every other time. Just that thought made her knees feel like they were trembling.

Waiting on the dance, and on Mack, Tatum had found her way outside and over to where other people were standing in scattered clusters and smoking. Not too far away from the entrance of the dance, close enough that she would see the other girl if she came approaching, the redhead began to fish around for her cigarette case and lighter.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 11:21 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie had spent the last two hours nervously getting. ready to join Tatum at the dance. She couldn't remember a time when she had really cared about how she looked for a date. Not being sure what Tatum would like, she picked a blackdress that she figured at the very least would make her legs look awesome. She had made her way down to the hall at about a quarter to midnight, fiddling nervously with the bouquet of flowers that she had decided on bringing. She hoped it wouldn't be too much, she didn't want to embarrass either of them. Showing up to the dance was already enough to make people talk, Mackenzie Dubinsky rarely showed up to dances, let alone with a date.

Checking her phone, she realized that she was at least ten minutes early, and decided to have one last cigarette to calm her nerves before she went in. Making her way over to where she saw other people smoking, she suddenly recognize a familiar head of red hair and felt her heart skip a beat. Mack couldn't even come up with words to describe how she felt as she looked at Tatum, only that she was sure that if it was possible that her jaw would have been on the floor. It was now or never, she figured, Tatum would look up eventually from her search through her bag and then she would see her standing there like an idiot.

Putting on what she hoped was a confident smile, she made her way over to the smaller girl and held out her own cigarette case. "Care for a cigarette beautiful?" She drawled, grinning cheekily before offering out the flowers. "There were supposed to be for a friend, but I think I'd rather give them to you."
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Date: December 27th, 2011 11:20 pm (UTC)


Tatum's head jerked up instinctively, just as it always did when people snuck up on her as such, but she felt calm settle over her when she saw that it was just Mackenzie. "Oh hey," she murmured, glancing behind the blonde for a moment before reaching out and taking the pack, getting out a smoke before returning it to the older girl. "You're l-looking dapper," she half joked, reaching over to tickle her fingers briefly down Mack's arm before she took the other girl's lighter and lit up.

She took the offered flowers, immediately blushing a little as she looked at them. "You d-didn't have to, jeez.. I didn't like, g-get you anything," the redhead murmured softly, chewing her lip a little.
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Date: December 30th, 2011 03:07 pm (UTC)


"You're looking quite beautiful yourself," she mumbled. Mack shivered at the girl's fingers tickling down her arm, spacing out with a goofy grin on her face as Tatum took her lighter. It was such a small, insignificant gesture, one that usually the taller blonde wouldn't have paid any mind to. It seemed like there was a lot of things that Tatum did that the blonde usually wouldn't care about. It took a lot to keep herself from pumping her fists in victory, and she clenched her fist lightly as she beamed over Tatum's reaction to the flowers.

"You didn't have to get me anything," she stressed, reaching out and squeezing Tatum's arm in reassurance. "It's not owe me or anything. I wanted, make you smile and feel special." Mackenzie blushed, feeling suddenly stupid. It was so unlike her to ever tell anyone sappy things like that, but it had just slipped out before she could stop herself. She had found that, drunk or not, she couldn't really control the word vomit around the younger girl.

Scratching the back of her head, she looked away, embarrassed. "God, that's um... embarrassing. Not that I don't mean it!" She added quickly, her gaze snapping back to Tatum quickly. "I...I'm just not good at this kind of thing."

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Date: January 8th, 2012 08:15 pm (UTC)


"T-Thanks," Tatum replied quietly, her face already slightly pink in the darkness as she leaned forward and gave the flowers a little smell. "N-Not many boys give flowers, y'know.. I g-guess dorky boys aren't the best examples, but like.. guys d-don't give nearly as many flowers as they make it sound like on t-tv.. nobody is t-that chivalrous anymore," the redhead mused, holding her joint between her lips and using her free hand to push some hair behind her ear and tucking one of the flowers carefully behind there too.

She actually felt better when Mack got a little embarrassed as well, it made her feel more comfortable already, and she shook her head at the tall blonde. "M-Me either, I.. uhm, you know like.. f-feelings are hard. And stuff. R-Right?"

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry