Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Mari and Michiko!
Setting: Quadpot field then their dorm.
Content: Swearing, probably.
Summary: Mari awakes to an interesting discovery.

Marianne was dreaming it was raining. Big fat drops splashing on her face no matter where she tried to shelter. It was with the plop of a particularaly large drop that Mari was roused from her sleep, blinking around in confusion. This wasn't her bed! This wasn't her room! Sitting upright, Mari took in her surroundings. Grass, bleachers and open sky. It must have still been early, because the sky wasn't exactly light yet, and still that incessant dripping on her head continued. Getting to her feet, Mari realised that it was a sprinkler system, something she didn't know the school had, but then, she was never usually on the Quodpot field at 5am. Where were her shoes? Looking around, Mari didn't find them, but instead found a boy asleep on the ground. Stepping closer, she gasped and her stomach plummeted. Was that Leon? Please don't let it be Leon, he only happened to be dating one of the biggest bitches in school. Mari considered making him up, demanding to know which twin he was, but instead she ran. All the way back to her dorm, getting completely soaked.

She burst into the dorm she shared with Michi, slamming the door behind her, dripping on the floor and waking Michi up in the process. "Oh shit, I think I've done something bad" Mari whispered to her roommate, grabbing a towel off the floor and rubbing her hair with it.


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