Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Sunny Garcia and Anastas de Kooning
Setting: Sunny's room, House Beauregard
Rating: SFW
Summary: Anastas pissed off Sunny and is trying to make up for it

Sunny was aggravated with Stas, she thought things had been going better but clearly they were not on the same page. She pouted and shuffled around her room until she finally commented on his journal, which resulted in him convincing her to hang out. She opened her door and then waited on her bed.

Stas was a little surprised that he had talked his way into Sunny's room. He searched his room for something chocolate and realized he'd have to hit up the vending machine before arriving in Beauregard. He straightened his hair, made sure his breath was minty fresh, and stuffed some spare change into pocket. He coiled Lorelai around his wrist and headed downstairs to buy one of every candy bar in the machine (which he then shoved into his school bag which he was smart enough to bring with him).

He knocked on Sunny's open door and tried his best to appear sheepish and apologetic. He didn't know if it would read false on his face, considering that he almost never apologized for anything. How has she backed me into a corner again? This woman. He offered her a smile and waited for permission to enter.

Sunny sighed at the sight of a rather sheepish looking Stasi standing in her doorway. "Come in," she said patting her bed, realizing a little too late she should have put on some proper pants. Brutus was already up and padding over to Stas before he came in, the cat ushered him through the room with a little meow. "Hey," she said, not knowing where she should even begin.

He entered and took the pat to the bed as an indication that he should sit exactly there. He plunked down, setting his bag on her bed and holding out his arm so Lorelai could explore Sunny in her own territory. "I believe I promised chocolate." He opened his bag and showed her the interior which was stacked with all the bars he'd bought (and a bag of chips in case she changed her mind about chocolate). "Whatever you like."

"Hey Lorelai," she said to the snake as she snuggled Brutus. Sunny grinned when she peered into his bag. "Did you buy an entire vending machine Stasi?" she asked pushing some of the chocolate around before deciding on some dark chocolate and some peanut butter cups. "Thank you," she said brightly forgetting momentarily that she was mad at him.

"If I had more change I would have," he replied with the barest hint of a smirk. He couldn't decide if he wanted to bring up the reason why he'd bought all the candy and was sitting demurely on her bed. What he really want to do was press his leg to hers and tease her some, maybe sneak in a kiss. Yet he was having a moral crisis. He was contemplating apologizing. "You are most welcome."

Sunny couldn't decide how to bring up the reason why Stas was here in the first place. She wondered how he could go from so brazen to completely sheepish in a matter of minutes. She took a bite of her chocolate and offered some to Stasi. "I made cupcakes with Tatum a couple days ago if you want some. I think there's one on my desk," she looked over, seeing her mess of a desk and grinned a little guiltily.

He peeked over to her desk but he wasn't terribly hungry. He figured if he went back to his room with an empty stomach he could get drunk a whole lot quicker; he was going to need to be drunk to deal with the aftermath of today. "No thank you," he replied quite politely. It was almost out of character for him to be so polite. She had to see that her reaction to his post had been worse than expected. He hadn't prepared for a very cranky girlfriend. This thought sent him tail-spinning. She's not my girlfriend. "What did you make cupcakes for?"

It was strange, the way he was acting, she poked him in the arm to see if he was still awake. "Tatum and I haven't hung out in a while," she said. "She munchies and we wanted to play video games," Sunny gave a little shrug. "It was nice to talk to her, we can relate," she said vaguely. "So... you're here," she said a little nervously.

"That is nice," he replied awkwardly. In the history of Stasi's life he had never felt this awkward. It was because his head was telling him to do something opposing his modus operandi. "Oh fine." He turned sharply on the bed so that he was facing her fully. "I am sorry I upset you."

The corners of her mouth tugged a little when he apologized but she never let the smile turn on fully. Her face fell a little. "Do you even realize why it was so upsetting?" she asked. Do you even care?

Torn between honesty and smoothing it over simply he figured he'd better just be honest. "Not really. It was a joke. Everyone was so tense. I thought we could use some laughs. You should read what Michi wrote. It will make you blush."

"It's like you're not even trying!" she burst. She covered her mouth instantly regretting that she had let it slip. "I just don't get it Stas. One minute you're being super sweet and then the next your offering sexual favors to the whole school," she hide her flustered face behind a piece of chocolate as best she could.

"That is me. That is how I am. Why were you expecting something different?" He could pretend a little better now that they were back to familiar territory. The apology was out and now he could fight about it; this was his comfort zone. He knew exactly why she was expecting something different. Stas was slowly setting himself up for disaster and he couldn't seem to stop.

She fought the overwhelming urge to slap that smug look off his face. "Don't try to play this whole I'm not capable of being different bullshit when I know you are," she did a poor imitation of his voice, her face getting redder and redder as she spoke. She poked him hard in the chest. "You're better than some stupid bad boy image you set up for yourself," she said more quietly.

He was going to have to change tact here, very soon. "Why do you want to change me so much?" What do you see in me that is so worthwhile that I do not see myself? He frowned at her, a genuine frown regarding the puzzle of their relationship. Stas had never bothered much with the emotional attachment. He would toy with a girl but never let himself get close enough to get tangled up in it. Sunny was threatening the safe distance he always kept. She was making him feel something and the very idea was so foreign to him that his natural response was to fight it. "Do I ask you to change?"

"I'm not asking you to change, just maybe take something in your life seriously for once. I thought... I thought... fuck it, I'm clearly insane for thinking anything," she was up faster than she thought possible and pacing her room in her moose slippers. "What is it? What is this? Because this whole back and forth thing is driving me nuts. Maybe I'm just confused about what this is or maybe you're just confused about something," she rambled for a good while and stopped in front of him. "What do you want from me?"

Ordinarily this was a very simple question. It was either sex or something useful. Help on homework, a solid drug connection, any thing that could make his life a little easier. It was never an emotional connection.

That had changed in the short time he had really begun to know Sunny, well after their first kiss (and subsequent hit and runs with their lips), sometime during the summer when he began to open up to her in his letters, when she began to open up to him.

He sat on her bed silently trying not to look as if he was a mouse caught in her trap. "What do you want?" he asked defensively. Whatever moment of clarity had welled up, it was already subsiding. His walls were snapping up again and he was hoping maybe she'd let them be for once.

"I want you to be honest with me for once, none of this cool guy shit," she refused to let him sneak back into that walled up fort. Somehow she had made a little crack in his defensive wall and she wasn't going to let up now. She knew she was being stubborn, there were signs that he was trying, she could have just been open with him about her feelings, but she simply refused. Not until he budged and she would be damned if he wasn't budging tonight.

"I am being honest," he replied. This was usually true. Whatever happened to be on his mind had the tendency to come straight out of his mouth. He figured that if it didn't come out of his mouth then it wasn't a lack of honesty. He was simply keeping something for himself. "How can you expect me to tell you anything when you won't tell me anything?"

"What do you want to know Anastas?" she asked simply.

"What am I to you?" he asked back, just as shortly.

"My stupid, broody, insane boyfr..." Sunny almost said the dreaded b word before she clamped her lips shut.

"Stupid, broody, insane, what?" he asked, the tiniest hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Sunny let out a little exaggerated sound and ran her fingers through her hair. She was going to have to take the initiative and just leave herself out in the open, completely exposed. "Boyfriend," she said before she had a chance to think about it anymore.

"And why would you want a stupid, broody, insane... Me for your boyfriend?" he asked. The smirk was gone. There wasn't that usual trace of teasing in his voice. That one word he'd been dreading had made this conversation deeply serious.

"Because Anastas," she said exasperated already. She plopped down on the bed next to him and took his hand. "Just because."

He had a decision to make and he had to make it now. Fuck this up now or fuck it up later. He squeezed her hand and leaned his head on her shoulder. "Would it surprise you if I would not mind being your stupid, broody, insane boyfriend? So long as you agreed to be my sometimes cranky, a little aggressive girlfriend?" He bit the inside of his lip very hard to prevent himself from saying anything else that might muck up this situation anymore than he already had.

The strangest sense of relief washed over her when he spoke. "It kind of surprises me," she said quietly. "But yeah, I would like to be your sometimes cranky, a little aggressive girlfriend," she couldn't help the little smile that crept into the corner of her lips. She had taken that risk and he hadn't shut her out, there was still a chance that maybe she wasn't as crazy as she thought she was.

"I would suggest that you do not tell your friends. They will not be happy with us." He offered her the tiniest of smiles though and brushed his cheek against her shoulder. "You are completely impossible my little sunshine."

"They'll know something is up anyways," she gave a little shrug. She liked the moment they were having although it was quite the tussle to get there. She grinned though. "As are you chamaco."

"I do what I can," he replied leaning up just enough to press a kiss to the spot where her neck met her jawline. Enjoy it while you can, Sunny. I will ruin it because I do not deserve you. He let his face fall out of her view as this thought crossed his mind. He didn't understand why the idea of messing this up was so terrible. He was dreading it when ordinarily it never bothered him. He didn't particularly care when a woman fell out of his life. Wonderful way to start a relationship by dreading the end. He squeezed her hand again, asking for quiet reassurance and no more questions tonight.

Then Stas realized he had completely lost track of Lorelai. "Sunny. Have you seen my snake?"

Sunny squeezed his hand back and rested her head against his. She let out a ridiculous laugh when Stas asked about Lorelai. Usually she would have slapped him or given him a look but Sunny felt a little different now that she had a somewhat better grasp on their relationship. Brutus mewed from Sunny's pillow, calling attention to himself and the snake who were curled up together. "Found them," she said pointing.

Stas sighed relief and then smirked at their familiars. "You two are entirely disgusting."

"Oh hush, they're besties," she smiled. "Let them be." She beamed at Brut and Lorelai. "They're precious."

"Disgusting," he mumbled in disagreement, but it was half-hearted as his lips sought hers.

"Trouble, trouble," Sunny muttered against Stasi's lips. She cast a glamour on her door so no one would see them kissing. Then she kissed him back, softer than she ever had.

It certainly was. This whole thing was going to be trouble; at the moment Stas couldn't even tell what he was thinking. His lips were pressed to Sunny's and his arms were slowly wrapping around her. He was leaning in and letting himself fall into something, a hole so deep there was no way he'd be able to climb out of it.

She hadn't kissed anyone like that before, her arms wrapped around his shoulders comfortably and her hands found his hair. Everything was fine... for a few minutes but then she was fighting that rising panic in her chest again, trying to keep her body from going completely rigid and from lashing out. Sunny broke away from his kiss and rested her head on his shoulder. "Sorry," she said quietly.

He didn't want her to have to apologize for the reaction her body had to him. There were things that Sunny had skimmed the surface on, things that sounded eerily close to some of his own past, a truth he'd been hiding for so many years it seemed more like a another life, someone else's horrible past. He touched the back of her head gently, hand resting on hair. "It is okay," he whispered. He could trick and con kisses out of other girls, but he wasn't going to demand anything of Sunny. She could come to him in her own time, when she was ready for it. "I should probably get back to my dorm. It is getting late."

She snuggled his neck, pressing a little kiss to his collar. She had known that there was this piece of him tucked away underneath everything else, it was just... nice to see it for once. "Thank you," she whispered. Some day... some day. She stretched her neck up to kiss his cheek. "Ok," she tried not to pout. "Want to hang out this weekend? After the game or on Saturday?"

"Either day," he offered rising slowly from her bed. "Let me know when you want me," and for once he wasn't speaking with any amount of innuendo.

She stood and stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head against his. "Okay, maybe Saturday," it'll give us more time. She smiled at the thought.

He leaned just enough to give her one little kiss on the forehead before pulling back. "Saturday then." He nodded and squeezed her shoulders gently. He let go to reach for her pillow and waited for Lorelai to coil up on his arm. The snake didn't seem the least interested in leaving her best friend Brutus, however and Stas had to pick her up. "We will have to bring our friends along," he added, lifting his arm to press a little kiss to Lorelai's head in apology for having to take her away from the fat grumpy kitty boy.

"Definitely," she said reaching over to scratch behind Brut's ears. "He'd never forgive me if I withheld Lorelai visits." She gave him one more kiss on the lips before removing the glamour from her door. "Good night Stasi."

"Good night, Sunny." He turned to leave before she could see the smile that was slowly spreading over his face. He had to twist up his face to set it back to its usual smirk, but as soon as he was in his room that smile spread again. He lay back on his bunk, staring at the ceiling and grinning like a fool. It was the first night of the semester that he didn't drink anything before bed, even though he'd planned on it.

As soon as the door was shut she did a little dance around her room, doing her best to hold in all the silly noises she thought about making. She flopped onto her bed and giggled, her grumpy fat kitty boy was finally letting her in and she was excited about the prospects ahead.

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