Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
page summary
Crescent City Institute - August 18th, 2010
Characters: Michiko Passos and open to Keegan Howe, Rowan Cabot, Hunter Sommer, Gregoire Leclaire, Sim Buford, and Mari Parker.
Setting: Michiko's house in NOLA, Wednesday afternoon
Content: Michiko says it better stay worksafe in front of Isamu
Summary: Michiko has some friends over to say hello to Isamu!
ooc: I figure we can just do different threads for people so it doesn't get cray cray.

Michiko was incredibly nervous. It was the first time she would be introducing Isamu to her friends. She had seen them all only a few weeks ago, but then again... a few weeks ago she didn’t have a baby to hold in her arms. Eli had been wonderful and supportive the whole time (that was a whole different can of worms to worry about though). Now was the time for her friends. So after Eli left the apartment she changed out of her sweats and into something nicer for her friends. Anna had been making cookies and Isamu was just waking up from his nap.

She picked up her son and brought him to the rocking chair. Michi seated herself and rocked, gently cooing to Isamu as she waited for her friends to arrive.

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