Name: Crescent City Institute
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Crescent City Institute - December 12th, 2010
Solitude in Numbers
Characters: Jools and Bobby
Setting: Friday December 10th, during the dance, student lounge
Rating: Probably SFW
Summary: An unlikely pairing hang out in the student lounge instead of going to the snowflake ball

Jools figured that campus would be a lovely ghost town during the holiday ball. Usually she holed up in her room, but on those nights when there was a campus wide event she ventured out to enjoy another vacant spot on campus where she could spread out a bit.

Tonight it was one of the student lounges. She was working on a brain teaser puzzle, some little 3-D puzzle bobble her mother had picked up for her over Thanksgiving break. She didn't think anyone else would be around. She felt confident enough to curl up on the couch with her legs tucked under her and her skirt pulled over her knees.

She was surprised when a boy wandered in, looking for all the world like he was in the mood to avoid the dance too.


Email to Sera, Rowan & Meka.
To: Sera (, Meka (, Rowan (
From: Jenny (
Date: December 12, 2010, 8:57 PM
Subject: SORRY.

Hey guys,

I'm sorry about the dance and that I couldn't make it to the concert and stuff last night.. I really wanted to be there, believe me. :( I don't know where that attack came from all of the sudden, and I'm kind of just as surprised as I guess everybody else was. I still don't know what went on, but from the way Ella is acting, I'm guessing it was a pretty bad one.. I'm more embarrassed than anything else. I guess at least I didn't pee myself lol it has been known to happen..

But yeah, I'm seriously sorry that I ruined the night but I hope you all had fun before that, and we should definitely all hang out sometime over break if you're up for it. And if my mom will let me out of bed or doesn't try to make me live at the doctor's office, she's been hovering over me like a hummingbird since they came and picked us up from school. It was already kind of a fight to get her to let me out of bed to even go online.

Anyway, even if we don't get together, expect presents in the mails.

♥ Love, Jen

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Email to Grey
To: Grey(
From: Meka (
Date: December 12, 2010, 10:15 PM
Subject: Oops.


Sorry about Friday night. There was some displaced rage there and I feel bad about punching you. So... yeah... sorry. I was kind of a mess.


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