Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute - February 11th, 2011
Valentines Day Owl Post
For the sake of stream lining, we're going to do a mass owl post. If you have any Valentines Day owl posts you can post them here! Have fun!

Don't forget to tag in!

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Characters: Sera and Meka
Setting: Their room, Saturday before the twin's tea party
Content: SFW
Summary: The girls help each other pick out outfits for the tea party and have a long overdue conversation.

Meka had finally been feeling better about things. Milo was on the mend, she was dancing again, and after her conversation with Stas she was starting to feel better about things. She was already making progress with her new years resolution and she was dying to tell Sera all about her misadventures even if she was ashamed of some of her more unsavory tale. She was pretty certain that she had not kept something this big from Sera ever!

She held up another dress and showed it off to Sera. "What do you think about this one?" she asked looking at it thoughtfully. She was feeling pretty brave these days, like maybe she could wear a dress that showed off the scar on the back of her leg, maybe she could talk about it openly, maybe, just maybe she wouldn't hide behind anything anymore.

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Characters: Tatum & Rowan.
Setting: Tatum's room, Saturday morning.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Rowan finds out about the fight between her roommate and friend, and sets out to find out what really went down. Tater scowls.

All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the hell? )

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