Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Jenny & Sera.
Setting: Backdated to Dec 31st at 11:45 [& into Jan 1st]. Sera's home, Maine.
Rating: Borderline NSFW.
Summary: This doesn't exactly go with the get-home-early plan Jenny had, but there can be exceptions.

When Jenny had originally arrived at Sam's with the intention to leave at a reasonable hour, her idea of a reasonable hour had been somewhere between ten-thirty and eleven o'clock. She wasn't surprised that she hadn't been able to stick by her plan; despite all of the strange looks and first awkward hour by herself, she had ended up having quite a good time. Once she had talked to Sam, it had improved her mood enough to at least let her mingle around in the crowd, feeling less and less like a sore thumb in said crowd.

Most people were too drunk to even remember where they were, let alone the events of the Snowflake Ball.

It was almost half past eleven when she finally ran into Sera. Almost literally, as the flash of a camera went off to their left, and Jenny had to blink furiously for a moment to clear her vision. Once they got to talking, if Sera hadn't mentioned that she had been planning to go home early, Jenny might have completely forgotten her own plans. Maybe it was time to go home. Or at least somewhere without so many wasted peers around. The shouting and craziness that would happen at midnight would probably be ridiculous. She wasn't sure she wanted to stick around. She was beginning to realize just how late it was, but.. so long as she got home by one. Her parents usually stayed out until two or three most years. She just hoped her mother's new overprotective streak wouldn't change that tradition.

"I'll come with you. Who wants to ring in the New Year alone?" she had offered simply.

Now, as they entered Sera's room, Jenny was grinning. It looked pretty much the same as it had in the summer. Just a touch more messy, as if her friend hadn't had the chance to prepare and tuck those few extra books back onto the shelf, or straighten out the comforter on the bed. It looked more lived in. "This is better," she commented quietly, glancing at Sera. "All of that yelling and music was starting to give me a major headache, even if it was pretty fun.. I think I just needed a rest."


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