Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Tatum and Sera.
Setting: Campus briefly but mostly in Tatum's car, Sunday morning.
Rating: Presumable SFW; swearing and such to be expected.
Summary: Sera comes over to talk to her sister and have a.. heart-to-heart or something. Whatever siblings are supposed to do. She catches her on the way out, and they go for a drive.

Tatum had been having quite a streak of luck lately. In addition to acing not one but two tests this past week, this morning she had stumbled across a treasure trove of an unemptied ashtray tucked away in her desk drawer. She knew she should have cleaned it out ages ago, that was kind of gross even for her, and how it go put away instead of being emptied was a mystery she might never know the answer to. There was no sense in looking a gift horse in the mouth. Picking carefully through the cigarette butts and roaches within, the red-head eventually produced a small pile of weed that was more than enough to pack a couple of bowls.

That would do just fine.

After putting her findings into a baggy, she made her way to the showers, taking as short of one as she could manage. There was something about sharing a bathroom that just irked her. Really, it always had, even as a freshman. That had never changed. She was a very private person, and the idea that just any girl from Sonnier could walk in whenever she wanted.. just the thought made Tatum shudder. Running her fingers through her wet hair, deciding to forgo at attempts at taming it, she made her way back to her room to get dressed. She grabbed her keys and her phone from the desk, opening the drawer again and digging around until she produced a small pipe.

It was a nice day. Why not go outside for once? Even if it was only to be by herself.

She considered going to see what Frankie was doing, but since she didn't really have much weed to go around, thought better of it. She'd try to scrounge up ten bucks later and visit Charlie. Maybe then they could smoke and watch a movie or something tonight. Right now, she just wanted to get the day on the go.

She practically bounded down the stairs, heading out of the front of Sonnier and into the fresh air, making a direct line across the commons to the student parking lot.


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