Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Jenny and Sera.
Setting: Tatum's Room, Monday night. Valentine's Day!!
Rating: NSFW.
Summary: Sera and Jenny spend an expensive night in for Valentine's Day.

Jenny and Sera were just finishing up their peanut butter and banana sandwiches when Sera finally started to feel her self start to relax. She had barely stopped for a minutes since classes ended.

Her first stop was back to her room, where she quickly scrambled to find an outfit for the evening. Deciding to just keep things relaxed and simple she choose a pair of pajamas to put on later, and packed them carefully in her bag, avoiding wrinkles. Throwing on a pair of sweats to wear while she got things ready. She found Jenny's presents she had hidden under her bed and with a few quick charms they were perfectly wrapped and waiting in her bag next to the door.

She had been warned several times by Tatum not to show up til at least seven. That gave her plenty of time to complete her homework and read ahead a few chapters. It was a school night after all, valentine's day or not. She didn't want to have to worry about any of that stuff later with Jenny. Around six, still reading, she received a text from Tatum. "Come on, get your ass over here want my money.", it read. Marking her spot, she slid her book on her beside table and gathered up the last of her things. She pulled the envelope out from her desk drawer, she held it in her hands for a minute. Inside was two-hundred and fifty dollars and she was just going to hand it all over to Tatum. All for some alone time with Jenny? It was worth it, she was worth it, Sera thought, but it still seemed a little unfair.

After Tatum took her money, and laid down all the room rules, again. She unpacked her supplies from her bag, preparing the sandwiches, she laid them neatly on fancy paper plates on the blanket next to the strawberries and other deserts. She used a cooling spell, to keep things cool until Jenny arrived. The room looked great, she even had a few candles lit. Everything was perfect.

Jenny arrived just after seven, a little confused why they were meeting at Tatum's. Sera took just a few minutes to explain, while they started on the sandwiches and bottles of pink Jones. Telling Jenny made her feel a little less stupid, it was kind of funny story when she thought about it.

"You ready for desert?" Sera smiled, looking up at Jenny. She washed down her last bite of sandwich with some soda.


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