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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-29 20:55:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - lian harper, npc - cerdian, npc - roy harper, plot - "blackest night"

Hello My Lover (Lian)
Morgaine, to put it simply, was going to kill him. So would James.

His only advantage would be that his doppelganger would quite likely die first, when they realized that Damien had slipped away from them at some point.

For the first time in his life, Damien Wilson flew on a /commercial/ plane in /coach/. His mother would have a fit over that alone, but this mission was of the utmost importance. He did rented a car under an assumed name at Star City International airport and then drove through the streets to his destination. Damn, he hated American traffic laws. Passing by Outsiders HQ was surreal, knowing that any of them could be on the streets at any time. If they found him, they would probably see fit to kill him for the wounds he'd inflicted months ago.

In a way, today's trip is an attempt to begin the healing of those wounds.

He parks the car six blocks from the apartment address James gave him and uses the time to meditate and center himself. He's going to need to be fast at this to keep from being seen. He must be ready for any opposition between himself and his target.

And he must be ready for his wife's anger, and even her hate.

When night fell, Damien made his way across the rooftops to Lian's apartment building and scouted the area. The lights were off. He couldn't be certain if she was home or not, so he had to risk it.

Minutes later, after successfully getting a window open, Damien sneaks into Lian's home, much the same as she did to his months ago when this entire thing began. Now they were even.
He waits inside for her to return, hoping that she is still well.

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Re: On The Street
2011-01-30 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Talia lost sight of her son, and the bullets rained into her face.

"Where are you, Damien?" She asked as her face began to heal. "It's not very good to hide from your mother, you know."

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Re: On The Street
2011-01-31 12:27 am UTC (link)
Damien can't believe his eyes, but he doesn't time to figure out what is going on. He has to get upstairs to Lian /now./

So, he turns and limps his way back into the building, doing his best not to cry out or be afraid. Both his mother and grandfather were here...but Morgaine is not.

He has to contact his sister and tell her what is going on immediately.

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Re: On The Street
2011-01-31 12:34 am UTC (link)
As her son had shut off emotion from her, Talia was not able to get a lock on him.

However...that girl's emotions were lighting up like a Christmas tree.

She flew in the direction of the apartment.

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Re: On The Street
2011-01-31 01:11 am UTC (link)
Damien hobbled inside as quickly as he could, though, he stops on the way to load his weapon...and pull a fire alarm, the better to get everyone out of the building.

Later, he will question /why/ he gave a damn about getting everyone out of the building, rather than using them to pad his and Lian's escape.

All in all, he will chalk it up to wanting to please his wife and not any sort of altruism on his part.

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