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dc_parent ([info]dc_parent) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-29 22:45:00

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Entry tags:inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - shayera stewart, npc - carter hall, plot - "blackest night"

Dark Revolution
In their apartment in Cairo's Maadi suburb Shayera tried to simultaneously follow the news and get a call out to St. Roch's. She hadn't been able to get a line out since the protests started a day or so earlier and while the bulk of the unrest was further south and ravaging neighborhoods like Tura, it was still unsettling.

"Carter," she said as she put the phone down after her tenth failed attempt in as many minutes, "we need to do something. This...this is getting big."

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2011-01-30 05:34 pm UTC (link)
She drops down right beside him, a snarling smile crossing her face.

"Which one do you want? I think it would be fitting if you went for the her and I went for him."

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2011-01-30 05:37 pm UTC (link)
The bully banished, Shayera guided the woman towards her home, then turned to assist Carter.

"Some of the looters are dispersing. I heard one say the did not want to anger us gods. It's interesting to hear that again. Especially here."

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2011-01-30 08:07 pm UTC (link)
"It always catches me by surprise to hear that. Then again, everything about Egypt catches me by surprise, every time I'm here." Carter says, looking Shayera and smiling.

"Let's make sure there's no other trouble and then move on. I want to contain as much of the unrest as possible." he says.

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2011-01-30 08:08 pm UTC (link)
"It doesn't matter; both of them die now." he growls, diving toward Shayera.

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2011-01-30 11:49 pm UTC (link)
The winged corpse smiled when her mate went for Shayera and she in turn went for Carter, diving straight for the man and tackling him.

This was particularly personal.

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2011-01-30 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Agreed and then we go home and try to call the kids again," Shayera said and started to lift her mace again when the undead man collided with her.


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2011-01-31 12:34 am UTC (link)
Carter turned to face Shayera, ready for almost anything except the being tackled.

Rolling to his back, he quickly tosses his attacker away from him and draws his sword.

"I don't know who you are, but you just..." he says, as he turns to face...


"What devilry /is/ this?" he asks aloud.

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2011-01-31 12:36 am UTC (link)
"Thieves, both of you." Khufu says.

"If I'd known that I would reincarnated as a weakling who married a weakling, I would have found a way to break this curse long ago. Both of you have stolen what belongs to us." he says, raising his mace.

"Now, we take it back." he says, attempting to hit Shayera.

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2011-01-31 12:41 am UTC (link)
Chay-ara lands deftly on her feet, Carter's counter effort being nearly nothing to her.

"You're pathetic! It sickens me to see you traipse around carrying our legacy in such disgrace. Moping and pining over her!" She indicates Shayera. "You are worthless. So now we end you and take back OUR lives!"

She charged right for him, clawed hands extended to go for his heart.

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2011-01-31 12:43 am UTC (link)
"None of this belongs to you! Your time ended," she says as she swung her mace at Khufu. "We have our own lives and our own family and our own everything! You are over!"

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2011-01-31 01:00 am UTC (link)
Carter sidesteps the charge and brings his sword down to slice through take Chay-ara's hands off at the elbow.

He uses the momentum slash at her back, trying also to take her wings and keep her grounded.

"Shayera, hold on! I'm coming!" he yells.

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2011-01-31 01:01 am UTC (link)
Khufu parries Shayera's attack with his own mace, his cold, unliving eyes boring into hers.

"Pathetic." he snarls, then headbutts her in the face.

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2011-01-31 01:04 am UTC (link)
The headbutt sends Shayera flying backwards into a building and she slides to the ground semi-conscious.

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2011-01-31 01:07 am UTC (link)
Chay-ara may lose her hands, but that doesn't deter her. She acts like she feels nothing at all and when he goes for her wings, she kicks him in the chest, dead above his heart.

"Khufu, I have an idea. Let's not kill them. Yet. Let's lure out their pathetic children and kill them, eating their hearts for these two weaklings to see before we kill them as well. End them forever!"

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2011-01-31 01:47 am UTC (link)
The kick is unexpected and feels like it came from a mule. He smashes through the window of an abandoned building, dazed, as his helmet rolls away from him.

He can't stay down, though. He's got to get to Shayera before they hurt her.

And then he hears Chay-ara's idea and roars in anger.

"YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!" he yells, charging at the pair of them with his sword held high.


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2011-01-31 01:52 am UTC (link)
Khufu hears Hawkman's yell, but the surge of anger causes him to look in Carter's direction.

"Yes...just the reaction we wanted." he mumurs, charging at Carter.

Seconds later, Carter lands in heap next to Shayera, a large gash in his side bleeding profusely.

"It will take him a long, painful time to die with that wound. I know where we should keep them, however." Khufu says.

"Our old tomb."

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2011-01-31 01:54 am UTC (link)
Chay-ara smiles, her hands growing back as she stands above Carter, looking down upon him as his eyes go out of focus.

"Yes, that is a beautiful idea. Fitting, too. Should we bring the children there so we can all be together?"

She was going to enjoy tearing out the girl's heart.

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2011-01-31 01:56 am UTC (link)
"Yes, we should. Then they call all die together, as a family." he smiles.

He leans down to grab Shayera and hoists her over his shoulder.

"Grab him and we'll go." he says, lifting off into the night.

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2011-01-31 02:13 am UTC (link)
Chay-ara hefts Carter over her own shoulder and takes off behind Khufu, a sinister smile on her lips.

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