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flat_chest ([info]flat_chest) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-01 21:14:00

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Entry tags:inactive - zor-l, plot - "blackest night"

Not Enough Power
After Zandor helped clean up the mess he made at the Brownstone, he decided he needed to go see his dad.  He was comforted a little by his teammates, but Zandor really needed his actual family.  He needed his dad to be there for him, and he needed to be there for his dad.

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2011-02-02 01:13 am UTC (link)
"I always knew your sister was the better fighter," exclaimed another voice. "I always did love her the most."

Karen Starr, Zandor's mother, hovered right next to Adara.

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2011-02-02 01:15 am UTC (link)
"Of course, mother. Zandor was such a cry baby. Always crying and whining because he was too weak and stupid to do anything right."

She threw her head back into a malicious laugh. She was joined by her mother.

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2011-02-02 01:18 am UTC (link)
"W-what? What are... No! I wasn't..."

He didn't know how to react. What was happening? Why was mom there, too? Why were they being so cruel? He started to tear up, too confused and upset to be able to get out of the ground.

"Why are you doing this, Mom? Adara?"

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2011-02-02 01:19 am UTC (link)
"There he goes again, mom. Crying like a little baby. I think I'm going to shut him up now, for good."

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2011-02-02 01:48 am UTC (link)
"I think I'll join you, dear."

Karen joined her daughter in flying down to Zandor and giving him the beating that would end his life

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