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Mark Clearwater ([info]handofnabu) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-30 20:18:00

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Entry tags:cat grant, dr fate

Not That Thick
Mark had been aware that Cat seemed to hold some kind of torch for him. He had thought she was somewhat attractive. He had spent most of his life on the sidelines. Even with his family history he had always been bookish and shy. Always feeling like the new guy had taught him not to get too friendly with pretty girls though since one never knew when their jealous paramours would show up to teach him a lesson.

Cat was different though. Intellectually and emotionally he had started to get that.

The whole thing that had happened thought had gotten him to see life was too short. And Darius had even come back from the dead and called Mark an idiot for not taking a risk. If his 'big brother' said that it had to be true.

So Mark is going to try. And hope to god she doesn't send him packing. He clears his throat and very shyly knocks on her door before putting on his most charming look.

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2011-04-05 12:49 am UTC (link)
"You might say that," Cat grinned. She pointed to the wall, where photos of the winners of the mechanical bull-riding contests were plastered, including her unbeaten record.

"Been coming here since I could drink, pretty much."

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2011-04-05 12:50 am UTC (link)
He laughs out loud. Somehow that is very believable.

"Get a few in me and I might try that out."

And fail. He isn't that awesome.

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2011-04-05 01:19 am UTC (link)
"Now that I'd like to see," Cat laughs.

She flags down the bartender. "Heya, Carl. Draft for me, and whatever my friend here wants."

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2011-04-05 02:09 am UTC (link)
"Whiskey sour," he says. He likes a little bit of everything but whiskey right now sounds good to him.

"I got into these after one night at a pool hall whn I was twenty-two. I tried hustling some people that night." He laughs sharply.

"Ah, my so called misspent youth."

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2011-04-05 02:23 am UTC (link)
Cat plunked herself down at a table after they got their drinks.

"I'm having a hard time picturing that, I gotta say."

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2011-04-05 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Really?" He laughs a little.

"It's me being a librarian, I guess. I always liked books more. But I was poor and tried to find any legal way to scrape cash together." He still has trouble with money but that's mostly because he likes helping people.

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2011-04-05 04:34 pm UTC (link)
"Nothin' wrong with book learnin'," Cat agrees. "But good to see you was havin' fun too."

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2011-04-06 12:32 pm UTC (link)
"After Duncan." He paused then chuckled. "He was one of my foster fathers. After I lived with him and his wife I learned how to make fun for myself. I might not be terribly exciting but I tried to have fun...I wasn't actually any good at hustling people. But pool was fun."

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2011-04-06 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"I've been known to enjoy shooting a little pool myself," Cat told him. "Might need a little help lining up some of those combo shots though."

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