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First_Son ([info]first_son) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-02 23:32:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, jon kent

Learning to fly all over again
He's been pondering this for a while. Quite a while, really... but first Svalin... and then, just Jon being Jon has had him hesitant, and second guessing himself. He's still not intending anything serious anywhere... but socializing has been good. He can't deny it. Goosing Maria, much as he's sure he's going to be embarrassed later, also has him in a little less serious mood than usual.

Still, cute as she is, she also moves a little fast for him, especially after recent events.

He calls Alina's number, after looking it up in team records.

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2011-06-03 05:04 am UTC (link)
"Glad to hear it. You free tonight?"

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2011-06-03 05:12 am UTC (link)
"Uhh...think so, lemme check." She reaches into her backpack for her assignments calendar and flips it open to the current week. "Yep, nothing that can't be moved. When do you need me?"

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2011-06-03 05:14 am UTC (link)
"This isn't job related, if you have something going on, its not critical. I just wanted to know if maybe you'd join me for dinner?"

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2011-06-03 05:31 am UTC (link)
Alina snorts, rolling her eyes skywards. "The only thing on the home-front agenda tonight is card games and no one wants to play poker with me anymore. Trust me, I'm free."

Wait, hang on. Dinner? Is Superboy asking her to dinner.

"Uh, sure, dinner sounds great!"

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2011-06-03 05:33 am UTC (link)
Yep, he seems to be doing just that. "Great. What do you like, and where and when should I meet you? I don't have a car, and I know your teleporting is tricky... but we can either use the league's teleporters, or I can fly us... so pretty much anywhere is fine."

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2011-06-03 05:50 am UTC (link)
"Not El Paso or Juarez," Alina says immediately. Her family would find out, and watching them try to run Jon through the intimidation gauntlet would just be embarrassing. "What's good in your neck of the woods?"

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2011-06-03 05:52 am UTC (link)
"Metropolis has a bit of everything. My usual haunt is a great homestyle burger place, but if you'd prefer something else, there's at least decent options for almost anything."

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2011-06-03 06:00 am UTC (link)
"Burgers work just fine for me," Alina says. Somehow, she's not even remotely shocked that his "usual" is a burger place. "Casual dress-code, I'm guessing?"

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2011-06-03 06:02 am UTC (link)
"Yep, t-shirt and jeans, or whatever." He pauses, reminding himself that Alina will have a more traditional definition of 'whatever' than Maria, and he doesn't need to watch his words so much to avoid ending up blushing.

"So, what time works for you? And do you want me to pick you up somewhere, or meet in Metropolis?"

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2011-06-03 06:13 am UTC (link)
"I'll meet you there," she answers with a chuckle. "The point of staying out of El Paso is keeping you away from my crazy family until I find a place to hide the embarrassing baby pictures."

Because this was a date, right? Worth making sure before she went through the trouble of emptying her entire closet out on the floor so she could choose an outfit.

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2011-06-03 06:16 am UTC (link)
"Alright, sounds good." he replies pleasantly, giving her the address, and the teleporter coordinates nearest to it. "Thankfully, my family tends to be pretty sane, so shouldn't be any issues in my neck of the woods. So, what time is good? I'm free whenever."

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2011-06-03 06:20 am UTC (link)
"Oh, duh," Alina says, thumping the heel of her hand lightly against her forehead and doing a little mental math. "How about six-thirty, your time? Gives me time to drop off my stuff at home and let my parents know I'm going out."

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2011-06-03 06:21 am UTC (link)
"Six-thirty my time, ok, its a date. I'll see you then."

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2011-06-03 06:34 am UTC (link)
"See you," Alina replies. She waits until he hangs up on his end, then makes very sure she hangs up on hers. Taking a deep breath, she puts her phone back into her pocket.

Okay. That actually just happened.

She allows the thought to soak in for a moment or two before punching the air hard enough to almost lift her off the ground.


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