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First_Son ([info]first_son) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-02 23:32:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, jon kent

Learning to fly all over again
He's been pondering this for a while. Quite a while, really... but first Svalin... and then, just Jon being Jon has had him hesitant, and second guessing himself. He's still not intending anything serious anywhere... but socializing has been good. He can't deny it. Goosing Maria, much as he's sure he's going to be embarrassed later, also has him in a little less serious mood than usual.

Still, cute as she is, she also moves a little fast for him, especially after recent events.

He calls Alina's number, after looking it up in team records.

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2011-07-30 05:22 am UTC (link)
"I'm glad I did the tour and all, had a look at where my dad's side of the family is from - where Kal El is from - but Superman is definitely from here. And, honestly, despite all the issues of late, I like Earth, and while its difficult, its been an interesting road to discovery lately."

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2011-08-26 03:16 am UTC (link)
Alina blinks a couple times, then makes a flapping sort of gesture with her hands. "Well, I'm glad you're planning on sticking around. I haven't actually tried teleporting interstellar distances yet, and that's not really something that's encouraged without a safety net."

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2011-08-26 03:19 am UTC (link)
"We have the equipment for someone to survive the trip fine. If you'd like to see different stars sometime, all you have to do is ask."

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2011-09-03 05:23 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like we've got ambitious plans for round two," Alina says with a grin. "I'd love to do that some time."

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2011-09-03 05:36 am UTC (link)
"I'm new to this whole dating concept, so I figured if I was going to do it wrong, I might as well overshoot." he teases. "But sure, burgers the first time, interstellar travel for the second."

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2011-09-07 03:01 am UTC (link)
"Go big or go home, huh?" Alina says with a laugh. "It'll either be loads of fun, or it'll be hilarious later when the sunburns and the embarrassment have faded."

And speaking of 'go big or go home', now's as good a time as ever to see if footsie is on the menu yet. She shifts a little in her seat and slides a foot across the floor under the table to try and find his.

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2011-09-07 03:37 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I kind of thou..." she finds his foot. That draws a hint of a blush and a momentarily derailing of train of thought.

About the time its starting to seem like it might not be on the menu, yet, though, he relaxes, trying to figure out how this footsie thing works without being too awkward.

"We'll have to do our best to make sure you don't get a sunburn then." he re-starts, on a related track, anyway.

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2011-09-16 03:51 am UTC (link)
She shoots! She scores! And she doesn't spill ice down her front when she takes a drink of water to disguise the biggest grin ever at her success. Points all around!

"I wonder what kind of sunblock I'd need out there," she muses idly, more for the sake of keeping the conversation going than out of any real curiosity. "I mean, besides SPF Solid Barrier."

She's keeping the footsie fairly tame for now. 'Startled but into it' is cute, 'uncomfortable' is not.

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2011-09-16 01:08 pm UTC (link)
Once he gets the idea, he relaxes quite a bit, and casual becomes comfortable, and he's even responding, toying back a bit. He can get behind this.

"I can protect you to some degree. You'd just need to stay close." And in a space suit, but that's less suggestive and in the direction she's seeming to steer things.

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2011-10-09 09:03 pm UTC (link)
She's taking it slow, but she doesn't hide the grin when he starts playing back -- and takes it as an excuse to push it a little further

"I think I can find it in myself to stay close to you," she teases, sliding her foot up higher. "Any other tips for space-travel?"

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2011-10-09 09:09 pm UTC (link)
Now that its not a surprise, he seems to be dealing with that just fine.

"Enjoy the view and leave the driving to me?"

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