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Cerdian ([info]violettidemage) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-05 20:06:00

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Entry tags:inactive - lian harper, npc - cerdian, npc - mia dearden, zachary zatara

In case of baby...panic!

Cerdian walked up the stairs to Lian's apartment with the box of chocolate, running through a breathing exercise in his head. Today, he would tell Lian that he loved her and apologize for treating her so poorly. He would find out if she had it in her heart to forgive him and then the would figure out what that meant in regard to her life now. He would tell her that he wasn't marrying anyone and that he only wanted to be with her.

Upon arriving at Lian's door, Cerdian knocks three times and waits for her to answer.

Suddenly, he realizes he forgot the flowers.

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2011-06-06 04:43 am UTC (link)
"He tries to be, at the least. I was pretty crappy to your mother earlier and I hope she--and the two of you--will forgive me." Cerdian says.

"I love your mother very much. Along with everything that is a part of her." he says.

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2011-06-06 04:50 am UTC (link)
Lian looked over at him. "I do...if you'll forgive me, too."

She smiled at him. "I love you too, Ceridan. So much." She kissed like she had kissed him the night before he died.

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2011-06-06 04:52 am UTC (link)
"All is forgiven." he says, leaning in to kiss her.

Yes, this was where he belonged.

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2011-06-06 04:58 am UTC (link)
She curled up next Cerdian when the kiss broke, holding Alex in her arms. Lian yawned. She was tired. Giving birth to twins wore her out.

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2011-06-06 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Cerdian let Lian sleep as the doctors came in to take the twins for check-ups and to the nursery.

Now, he would rise and contact Lian's family and friends to let them know that Lian had finished labor and that she and the twins were well.

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