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Cerdian ([info]violettidemage) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-05 20:06:00

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Entry tags:inactive - lian harper, npc - cerdian, npc - mia dearden, zachary zatara

In case of baby...panic!

Cerdian walked up the stairs to Lian's apartment with the box of chocolate, running through a breathing exercise in his head. Today, he would tell Lian that he loved her and apologize for treating her so poorly. He would find out if she had it in her heart to forgive him and then the would figure out what that meant in regard to her life now. He would tell her that he wasn't marrying anyone and that he only wanted to be with her.

Upon arriving at Lian's door, Cerdian knocks three times and waits for her to answer.

Suddenly, he realizes he forgot the flowers.

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2011-06-07 03:52 am UTC (link)
He watched her sadly, hoping that her dreams are peaceful. He doesn't want to let Alex go, but Cerdian has to call Roy, at the least. He was going to need help calming Lian down when the time came.

He set the baby down in the little crib next to the bed, as he wasn't letting Alex out of his sight, and called Roy to explain what happened.

Roy Harper shows up in ten minutes flat, looking down on Lian sadly.

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2011-06-07 04:08 am UTC (link)
When Lian woke up, she opened her eyes slowly, blinking at Roy and Ceridan.

"Hi, Dad," she said. "Or...should I say, hi Grandpa Roy?" She looked over at Cerdian. "Can you tell the nurse to bring the twins in so my Dad can meet his grandkids?"

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2011-06-07 04:12 am UTC (link)
"Hi, Sweetie. Yeah, I'm Grandpa Roy, now." he says, smiling at her, but it wasn't his usual big grin. Lian would know that look immediately.

Her dad was about to tell her something bad.

"Lian, sweetie, I need you to listen and not say anything until I finish, okay?" he asks.

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2011-06-07 04:13 am UTC (link)
When Lian looks at Cerdian, she'll see that his arm is in a sling, and he's looks dishevled and is bleeding a bit. Alex's little crib is next to him, and he fusses a bit when he hears his mommy.

He looks away from Lian sadly.

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2011-06-07 04:21 am UTC (link)
Lian's face fell. "What is it, Dad?"

She then noticed Cerdian's arm in a sling...and that only Alex was in the room with them.

"Where's Donna?"

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2011-06-07 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Honey, I need to stay calm for me, okay? We're gonna get Donna back. I've already got people searching and we're not far behind the people who took her. They tried to get both of the kids, but Cerdian stopped them.

He managed to get Alex back, but they got away with Donna." Roy tells her, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"This is not your fault, Lian. This is not anyone's fault but Damien's." Roy says, trying his best not spit after saying that bastard's name.

When they found him, Roy was going to gut Slade's son himself.

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2011-06-07 04:35 am UTC (link)
"Damien...Damien kidnapped Donna?"

Suddenly, it began to make sense to Lian. How the doctors seemed to expect her.

She should have seen it coming. ...Every doctor and nurse in the delivery room was probably in Damien's pocket.

Lian moved to get out of bed.

"I have to go."

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2011-06-07 04:40 am UTC (link)
Roy moves to push her back down into the bed.

"Lian, no. Please. You need to recover. Your body just went through a major ordeal and you need to heal and recover." Roy says. "I told you, I've got people working on it and I'm gonna call in Donna, Dick, Garth and Wally. Everyone we can, okay?

I need you to rest, though, so I don't worry about you, too. Besides, Alex is still here and /he/ needs you right now." Roy tells her.

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2011-06-07 04:43 am UTC (link)
"My love, your father is right. Alexander hasn't stopped fussing or crying since..." he couldn't bring himself to say "since Donna was taken".

Cerdian takes a deep breath.

"I will also try to scry for her and find out where they are. The moment I know, you will know and your father will go and get her. But you have to calm down." Cerdian says.

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2011-06-07 04:45 am UTC (link)
"I have to get her back," Lian said, her voice shaking. "I'll be fine, but I have to get my baby back." She bit her lip, fighting back tears.

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2011-06-07 04:48 am UTC (link)
"We will. I swear to you, on my Power, we will, my love. But we have to be smart about this. Damien was prepared and he had a long time to plan this. The best thing you can do right now is to stay calm and /think/.

Where would Damien try to take Donna?" Cerdian asks.

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2011-06-07 04:50 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, Lian, do what Cerdian says. Think about where Damien would try to take her. All those places you saw when you were with the League...think about where they were and make me a list.

I'm going to have my people tear every one of them apart looking for that. I'm going to go find Slade and beat Damien's location out of him while I'm at it." Roy says, picking up his phone to dial a number.

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2011-06-07 04:58 am UTC (link)
"I don't know," Lian said, her voice still unsteady. "My first guess would be to the League's compound in the Middle East, but he probably knew that that would be the first place I'd look.

Knowing Damien, he probably made some new place to take her, one where I wouldn't find him."

Tears rolled down Lian's face. She felt like a part of her heart had been ripped from her chest.

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2011-06-07 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Cerdian pulls Lian into his arms.

"We'll find her, Lian. I promise." Cerdian whispers, holding her to him. He couldn't imagine the pain she was in, but he would not allow it to last one more moment than necessary.

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2011-06-07 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Lian leaned into Cerdian, letting herself cry.

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