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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-02 02:34:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, jon kent

Let's Do Lunch.
It was just a little after sunrise in Gateway City.

Okay, burning building: evacuated politely at the top of her lungs. Inhabitants: accounted for. Fire department: called. Once they got there, Cindy could go back to her dorm and take a shower.

Once she had, she wrote it all down in her diary, then skimmed back to review. Pretty successful week. And that wasn't even counting nailing that Advanced Civics test.

Cindy looks at herself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and then picked up the phone.

"Hello, Jon?"

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2011-10-03 03:50 pm UTC (link)
A smile and a nod. "I wouldn't expect your father to be totally nice about it, but if it'll help, I'll be happy to." He knew Max could be tricky, but he's used to dealing with difficult people, and he knew the S still carried some weight as far as verification a matter was serious, even with Max.

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