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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-12-25 23:16:00

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Entry tags:evan durlin, ezra durlin, huntress, thomas kyle

Frosty the Snowman Was a Jolly Happy Soul (Independent)
Not everyone was a member of a team, but it didn't mean they were alone. They had friends and family they would visit on this holiday. It could mean celebrating with one other person or it could mean celebrating with a group of people.

Despite the type of celebration the reasons were the same. People came together to celebrate in the season of joy and peace. They celebrated by exchanging gifts and being together.

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2011-12-26 03:50 am UTC (link)
And Ezra squealed something blasphemous in Greek. "This is awesome, Evan!"

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2011-12-26 03:53 am UTC (link)
Evan was more subdued, but smiled broadly. "You are a twisted man, my brother, but I love you for it. Thanks, Ezra."

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