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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-31 22:36:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

Stick to the script Foxy
Robin decides to do one last sweep of the neighbourhood he's in before calling it a night. It's been pretty quiet, especially given that this isn't exactly one of the nicer neighbourhoods, and it's looking like he'll wrap up patrol early.

For fun he does a double flip to land on the next roof and is about to take off at a run to try and do the same for his next jump when he stops in his tracks, and stares at the bleeding figure on the rooftop for a long moment.

Was that?

No. Oh no.

And Robin takes off at a mad dash.

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2012-02-02 12:01 am UTC (link)
"We'll need to do a rematch," he smiles.

"This isn't just stitches, do I need to remind you that you got shot?" He just sighs at her. "You're staying here until we can move you to one of your safehouses. No arguments." He half expects her to try and sneak out earlier though. Not that he'll put up with it. Now just to wipe the place of any info she might find here, to be safe.

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2012-02-02 12:16 am UTC (link)
"In a few months there's going to be a fun exhibit in the History Museum," she points out while quirking her lips.

"No. I should be able to recover the blood I've lost in a week if I rest," she points out. "I won't be moving anyways. Hurt too much."

And she fully expects him to try and get information off of her while she's stuck in bed.

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2012-02-02 12:26 am UTC (link)
"I'll reserve it on my schedule. Beat the thief at her own game," he smirks back.

"Good. Can't have you sneaking out of here early only to bleed out on the street and we'll have to repeat this whole thing again. Next time you might not get lucky enough to have your occasionally-friendly neighbourhood crimefighter swing by." He's still debating what to do about this whole situation but she's hurt and her health takes priority over...well whatever he's feeling conflicted about.

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2012-02-02 12:45 am UTC (link)
"On...only if you catch me."

She closes her eyes for a moment. The morphine is helping her a great deal but she feels weak. "Promise you won't have to carry me around like that again. Don't like being carried around anyways."

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2012-02-02 12:55 am UTC (link)
"You know I always do."

"Alright Foxy," he smiles gently, "how would you like me to save you next time?"

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2012-02-02 01:19 am UTC (link)
"No you don't," she mutters looking distinctly smug. "You so didn't catch me this past weekend. I made out like a bandit."

She shrugged widely. "I don't know. I just don't like feeling vulnerable."

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2012-02-02 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Old lady being mugged. Had to have my priorities straight. Lucky getaway for you." He smirks, "I'll catch you again next time. Count on it."

"I understand that but...I don't carry around a stretcher with me so...solution: Don't get hurt like that again Foxy. Deal?" His tone is joking but his face tells her he's dead serious. Her hurt...it wasn't supposed to happen, she was that part of his life that was supposed to be a mix of fun and crimefighting. She didn't get hurt. That was how it was supposed to be.

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2012-02-02 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Mmmm. Only if I let you," she purrs sleepily.

She opens one eye to look up at him again. Her mask hasn't come off tonight and she is tempted for a moment to slip it off. "I can't make you any promises.... I can't walk out on my current contract after all."

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2012-02-02 02:00 am UTC (link)
"You wish that was the case," he teases.

He sighs again, damn why was she so stubborn? "Yes yes, your mysterious contract which you won't tell me about and keeps you employed to some mob boss. I'd like to think I earned a bit of info for tonight. So...I want to know, why would a thief who could be hired by anyone stick her neck out for a boss like the one you no doubt have? C'mon Foxy, give me something here, I'm trying to understand you here."

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2012-02-02 02:12 am UTC (link)
"Robin.... I can't." She squirms trying to not hurt herself so she can prop herself up but decides that's a bad plan. She huffs at wasting energy she really doesn't have.

"I just can't talk about it. Too dangerous."

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2012-02-02 02:18 am UTC (link)
"To who? Who's it dangerous for?" It's not dangerous for him, he fights these people anyway. He doubts it's for her own safety, she seems the type to be good at disappearing. Thieves usually were. Then who was she worried for? Thomas tells himself to calm down and think this through. He has a lead now, at least that's something.

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2012-02-02 02:22 am UTC (link)
"Robin. Please." She really doesn't want to talk about it.

"I'm starting to trust you than most people but just... please. Let it go for now."

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2012-02-02 02:32 am UTC (link)
And once again he's glad she can't see his eyes, because if she could it'd be clear he wasn't going to be letting this go. But it's clear she won't be saying anything more about it so he goes quiet and says nothing for a bit.

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2012-02-02 02:38 am UTC (link)
She's almost ready to doze off. She's very tired and understandable she isn't in any shape to stay awake for much longer.

"God I'm tired."

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2012-02-02 03:03 am UTC (link)
He gets up off the bed and just sighs. Clearing the place will come after he's sure she's asleep, there's some stuff he needs to take out of here.

Taking off his cape, Thomas drapes it over her and says, "Get some sleep Foxy. I'll check on you later."

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