DC Next Generation

Part of the job @ 12:13 am


Sweet old ladies didn't deserve to worry about their bank accounts because of scams. She thought she had the people tracked down and had noted that there were several other people in Mrs Olson's age bracket on the block that were facing similar problems. It was actually a very nice looking area if a little run down for Star City but still a decent area with an older crowd of people living here. She didn't notice too many people in their early years. It was a good thing to take stock of at least.

Well this turned from a way for the PI to pay the rent into something she felt she had to take care of to the best of her ability. So she put on a fresh jacket and combed her hair back neatly back and started talking to people. Older people often had trouble seeing things clearly so getting a good base of description helped. It put a smile on her face that one nosy old man had more than that.

Her eyes raked the flier for the so-called fund raiser. Gee, where had she seen this before? The cynic in her pounded at this pretty harshly. Time to go have a chat with Mrs O. She wanted to be sure the woman had put a halt on her account like she had suggested earlier yesterday.

So she approached the woman's home since she would be passing by anyways and noted oddly that the front door was cracked open. Frowning Jane pulled out a handkerchief and pushed the door open.

Her eyes went wide and she pulled out her cell phone right away. Shit. Maybe this wasn't a simple scam. She swore and stayed right outside as she called the cops. Being wrong about something was the worse part of being a PI. Looking in at the old woman as she talked to a dispatcher Jane decided that if anything she'd finish this investigation because little old ladies do not get killed and forgotten about.

So she clenches her jaw and waits.

DC Next Generation