DC Next Generation

Phoenix Down @ 07:20 pm


Cyrus finds himself in a dangerous position. He isn't sure if his parents are dead or alive. Their ship is damaged. He also knows that there is either something wrong with the navigation system or the ship has somehow been sent very far away from their original location.

First he suit up in the zero-gravity suit that is his size and heads out to try and repair the ship's sensors. It takes him a long time to make any progress. It isn't fully repaired but he will at least know if another ship is on the edge of his range for sending them a wave.

He gets back in and continues to work around the ship trying to take stock of what is wrong with the ship. Main propellsion doesn't seem to be working right. He isn't in too much trouble he thinks. He just has to see about sending out a distress call to get more help.

Changing back into his normal clothing he makes his way back to the helm of the ship and takes over a seat.

His implants whirl as he interfaces with the ship and prepares to send a distress call.

"This is the Rising Phoenix to anyone who can hear us. Our ship is damaged and we are missing some of our crew. We have no idea where we are and are requesting assistance. Please. If anyone can hear me. I need your help. I repeat this is the Phoenix Rising."

The message gets repeated several times. Then Cyrus gives up and stares at the display in front of him. He doesn't want to admit that he is afraid but the trickle of fear starts to pool in his stomach. The ship is just too quite without his parents here.

DC Next Generation