DC Next Generation

The Hard Part @ 07:56 pm


Hey, if something happens to me one night, I need you to make sure Zach knows, okay? I don't want him to be the last person to know.

Today was one of those rare days when Tim Drake hated being a man of his word. J'anna and Lian stayed over in London to talk to J'anna's mother, but Tim decided to head back and get other things in order. He was happy for his girlfriend, but there was too much left undone right now to rest.

One of his best friends was gone.

He'd placed a call to Conner and Cassie to let them know, but asked them to keep things quiet until after he'd spoken to Zach. They promised they would.

Then he dialed Zach's number. For once, he got Zach's answering machine. He must be out with his new partners or something. Mia mentioned that he'd found a few more people into magic like him.

"Hey, Zach. Can you stop by my place, man? It's important.

It's about Mia." he says.


Happy Birthday... (Back dated to Jan First) @ 09:07 pm

Current Mood: blah

Another new year.

A new beginning.

So people say.

Another year older for the world.

And Eli's turned twenty one.  Or eleven.  At the stroke of midnight. 

"I wonder if this makes me legal," he muttered to himself as he rummaged through the fridge. Nothing good was left. Just some pickles and enough peanut butter to make a sandwich. Which he did make.

He didn't like his birthday. It sucked to have to share it the same day as New Years eve. Things always tended to happen on New Years as well. Monsters, the end of the world. The year he turned two was, apparently, a real fun time.

But, now he was stuck in the past. And he didn't feel like celebrating the new year. So, with a soda bottle and sandwich he goes up onto the roof to watch the fireworks. As they started to go off, he started to sing happy birthday to the air.

DC Next Generation