DC Next Generation

Reach out. (Keith) @ 07:44 pm


She had texted him literally every single day.

I love u.  Plz call.

Every day her phone remained silent, but she still tried.

Whatever it is, you can talk to me.

I'm here.

Plz Keith.  I love u.

There may have even been a few drunken texts or texts that just seemed weird (vodka + auto correct = very bizarre texts). But she kept sending them. 


Not That Thick @ 08:18 pm


Mark had been aware that Cat seemed to hold some kind of torch for him. He had thought she was somewhat attractive. He had spent most of his life on the sidelines. Even with his family history he had always been bookish and shy. Always feeling like the new guy had taught him not to get too friendly with pretty girls though since one never knew when their jealous paramours would show up to teach him a lesson.

Cat was different though. Intellectually and emotionally he had started to get that.

The whole thing that had happened thought had gotten him to see life was too short. And Darius had even come back from the dead and called Mark an idiot for not taking a risk. If his 'big brother' said that it had to be true.

So Mark is going to try. And hope to god she doesn't send him packing. He clears his throat and very shyly knocks on her door before putting on his most charming look.

Regrouping @ 11:19 pm


As soon as arrangements had been made, Robert and Morgaine hopped on the first plane out of Greece to Star City. Morgaine had slept most of the way, wanting to save her strength.

When they arrived in Star City, they got a car under a fake name and Morgaine drove them to Lian's apartment building.

"I should warn you," she said when they arrived, "She will most likely not be happy to see me. I will try and talk to her, but she might resort to attack."

The pair quietly made their way to Lian's apartment, and Morgaine quickly picked the lock on the door.

She couldn't believe who she saw when her and Robert entered the room.

"I thought...I thought..."

In something she rarely did, Morgaine ran to her brother, embracing him.

DC Next Generation