DC Next Generation

Homecoming (Jane) @ 01:15 pm


Robert Queen steps out of his cab in Gotham, right in front of Jane's building, hoping to God that Angela's information was correct. If it was...then Robert could fix the wrongs he'd left behind by leaving Jane alone in the first place. The guilt for that ate away at him, because he should have been there for her. He /knew/ she could defend herself, but against a monster like Ra's al Ghul? 

He'd left her alone and she'd died. Never again.

He climbs the stairs to her building and lets himself into the apartment, hoping to catch her sleeping so that he could be the first person she saw when she woke up. He liked doing that for her. Maybe he'd even cook something for her.

He sets his bag down and gets to work cleaning up a bit.

Getting Into the Holiday Spirit @ 07:11 pm


"Blue & Gold Time Traveling Comedy Adventures" hadn't been funny lately. This concerned Boo. He liked it when they were funny and he didn't see anything funny about zombies. Though he did have to admit the girl with the chainsaw had been quite entertaining. There was even talk of her getting her own show. Something had to be done and Boo had an idea.

"Hey Mugsy...."

DC Next Generation