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Heather Collins ([info]loveontherocks) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-06-18 20:45:00

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Entry tags:emerald, sapphire, topaz

Might as well look the part... (open, New Guardians)
Heather was sitting in the middle of the New Guardians' living room, idly watching the Cubs game on the television, but mostly focusing on the sketch pad in front of her.  She wasn't nearly as good with drawing as she had been with sculpting (even before sculpting got really easy), but she had a good enough eye for it, and had had plenty of color theory to back everything else up.

Carefully, she colored in the design in front of her, taking extra caution both because of her greater strength and simply because her sense of touch was not quite what it once was. 

Yeah...  Not too bad.

Considering she'd named them, putting her money a bit more where her mouth was was not necessarily a bad thing.  Even if they weren't really supposed to be super-heroes.

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2012-06-18 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Heather forced herself to smile a little. Because, well, awwwkwwwward.

"Thanks," she said. "I'm not that good at it, really. But I can do preliminary sketches for sculptures and stuff."

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2012-06-18 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, don't belittle yourself. These are nice." Even if he didn't particularly care for the subject-matter.

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2012-06-18 11:54 pm UTC (link)
She let herself actually smile. "Thanks," she said.

"I mean, I don't know if we'd ever actually wear these or anything..."

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2012-06-19 12:13 am UTC (link)
He smiles too. "Maybe..not sure I have the muscles to pull that outfit off."

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2012-06-19 12:40 am UTC (link)
"You'd still look better than some of the other heroes out there," she said.

Wait, what? Sooo many ways that could be taken.

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2012-06-19 12:47 am UTC (link)
And Lenny really wishes he was blue so he could hide the blush that was undoubtedly covering his face.

"Um..thanks," Lenny says, trying to maintain his composure. "...sooo..um..what's yours based on?"

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2012-06-19 12:55 am UTC (link)
Oh, God, had she really just...? Yeeeah, she had definitely said that.

Sooo pretending not to notice the blushing. Because she would be too.

"Oh, um.." she reached out to grab the other sketches, dropping a couple, before finding hers.

"Here we go."

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2012-06-19 01:00 am UTC (link)
"It's pretty," Lenny complimented. "but would you be comfortable with your legs exposed like that? I mean I know a lot of the costumed crowd does, but I don't see the point. That that there's anything wrong with your legs." ...well shit, that hadn't come out like he thought.

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2012-06-19 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Okay, now it's Heather's turn to blush. Or it would be, at least, if she could.

"I think I'll be all right," she said. "It's a lot less slutty than a regular Star Sapphire uniform. No hooker boots or peek-a-boo chest window."

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2012-06-19 10:24 pm UTC (link)
And Lenny tries very hard not to picture that...and fails. He shakes his head briefly to clear the image out. "Good point"

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2012-06-19 10:57 pm UTC (link)
Heather picked up on a brief surge of something, but it was quick and faint, and probably was coming from Cindy and Saishu, since she was fairly sure they were in the building.

"It's still kind of based on a Star Sapphire. The old one, who used to fight Green Lantern."

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2012-06-19 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"You're basing your costume off a supervillain?" he asked, confused.

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2012-06-19 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"Just a little," she said. "It's a good look, and nobody really remembers that one anyway. I think there's some connection between the old one and the Corps that's around now, but I dunno what it is."

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2012-06-19 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"...You're doing costumes," Jess asks picking up only a little bit of what whole thing.

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2012-06-19 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"Not exactly my area of expertise either," he admitted. "I was always confused how a supervillain had ties to a..Corps of Love?"

And here comes Jess. Do NOT be awkward.

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2012-06-19 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Awkwardness? In the New Guardians? Heaven forbid!

"Should maybe ask Ganthet the next time he shows up for lessons," Heather said.

"Oh, hey, Jess," she added. "Yeah."

She rummaged, finding the appropriate drawing. "I kinda based this one a little off of Jade, the old Green Lantern's daughter, truth be told, but I think it works...?"

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2012-06-19 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Jess grins a little. "That's good, especially considering I'm more of a.... in your face kinda person. Covering up more makes sense. I like it."

Jade, she puzzles over the name. "Green like me? Had a twin brother or something? I seem to remember something about that."

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2012-06-20 12:03 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, went by the name Obsidian I think. There were documented cases of mental troubles which he caused him to fight against his family a couple times." He notes any looks they may give. "Somebody has to research these people."

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2012-06-20 12:39 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, that's her," she said.

She smiled. "Good job, Lenny. I know a little bit... mostly about the ones who lived in Opal thought."

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2012-06-20 01:13 am UTC (link)
"I know a little about the Green Lanterns. Not a whole lot Never had cause to learn, ya see." Jess shrugs innocently.

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2012-06-20 01:22 am UTC (link)
"That's true enough. Now we got people like the Cyborg Superman and Hector Hammond af.." Lenny bit his tongue to keep himself going on a rant about how unfair this all was. "I think I need a drink. Be right back," Lenny says, heading off to the kitchen.

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2012-06-20 09:13 pm UTC (link)
Well. Awwwkward.

"So," Heather ventured towards Jess. "How's tricks?"

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2012-06-20 11:28 pm UTC (link)
Yeah even Jess could see that.

"Been good. Talked Harry into visiting my folks with me. We did the whole road trip thing." Jess looks amused by the whole thing.

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2012-06-20 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Heather nodded. "Sounds nice," she said. "Road trip road trip, or teleporting road trip?"

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