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Bobblehead ([info]bobblehead) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-14 00:07:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, green lantern dex, pippi peppers

Dex's new friend? aka, Pippi, pt. 1
The team has had a chance to settle into their new headquarters. Its taken some work, but the essentials are there. And once that was done, Pippi set right to work on the non-essential, but important business of making sure the place was stocked with good shampoo, conditioner, general health care products, and decorative items like carpeting, drapes and the rest. Despite her tendencies, she actually knows color and good taste when it comes to this sort of thing - the place looks comfortable, and like a semi-professional interior decorator got a hold of it.

But something has been missing.

Whether or not that something is a new friend for Dex, he's getting one anyway. At one point when he returns home, this (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mau0qfm1IK1r33eyzo5_r2_250.gif) is waiting for him. Well, this, wearing a green ribbon around her neck, and a tag reading 'Miss Fluff', with her address noted on the back of the green lantern symbol shaped tag.

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2012-12-18 03:41 am UTC (link)
"I thought Green Lantern rings could do almost anything," Dinadan says with a frown. "Okay, hang on, I'm sure the internet has instructions for DIY-ing a metal detector. I'll go see what I can do. Keep an eye on that thing until we can get it checked out, all right?"

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2012-12-18 05:49 pm UTC (link)
"You are not going to inspect this cat," he said and pulled it close into his chest. "In any way."

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2012-12-19 08:30 am UTC (link)
"You realize that just makes me worry that there is some mind-control component involved, don't you?" Dinadan asks, raising his eyebrows. "I'm not going to hurt it, I just want to make sure it's not dangerous -- at least, not any more dangerous than domesticated predators usually are."

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2012-12-21 10:31 pm UTC (link)
"You come near my cat and I hurt you, got it?" Dex growled as he shielded the kitten.

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2012-12-23 11:22 pm UTC (link)
Dinadan cocks his head slightly to the side, facial expression shifting into a neutral mask. His left hand shifts to rest on the his belt, in preparation to shrink down to protect himself, if necessary. He presents his empty sword hand to Dex, palm out.

"Green Lantern," he says calmly, "I am not your enemy. I am expressing a concern, which you do not seem to share. Resorting to threats of physical violence is not an appropriate response to such things, and I find it disturbing. I am asking you, as your teammate and ally, to calm the hell down so we can discuss this in a productive manner. Do you understand?"

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2013-01-06 06:36 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, what's all the noise?" Pippi asks, peeking in.

"Oh! You found Ms. Fluff!"

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2013-01-06 08:04 pm UTC (link)
"He," Dex said and jerked a thumb in Din's direction. "Thinks the cat is a spy or has explosives implanted in it."

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2013-01-06 08:12 pm UTC (link)
"I," Dinadan counters, "am concerned by a cat appearing in headquarters addressed to a teammate who has no idea where it's from; and that said teammate is behaving with unnecessarily high aggression when I express that concern. Pippi, I assume you're familiar with this cat?"

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2013-01-06 08:45 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. I found Miss Fluff and cleaned her up, and she said she wanted to be Dex's cat. So she is!"

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2013-01-06 08:51 pm UTC (link)
"And he better stay away from it," Dex growled, still shielding the kitten.

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2013-01-06 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"All right." Dinadan took a deep breath at let it out. "Pippi, in the future, could you let us know when a new animal is going to be moving into headquarters? Miss Fluff made a spirited attempt to eat me earlier, and I wasn't expecting to have to fend off a cat today. Dex, you want to hammer this out now that I'm no longer worried that your cat is a threat, or do you want some time to calm down first?"

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2013-01-06 09:47 pm UTC (link)
"Oh! Ok. I'll let you know when I find you a pet, don't worry!"

Because the problem was clearly that Din was sad Dex got a cat and he didn't.

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2013-01-21 04:56 am UTC (link)
"That's not--" Dinadan huffs, hands twitching as he struggles not to clap one to his face. "Thanks but no thanks, I'm good. On pets, I mean. I've already got Tris, I'm good."

He casts a look toward Dex. "Now or later, GL?"

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