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the_hyper_teen ([info]the_hyper_teen) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-03-16 21:42:00

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Entry tags:k'hym j'onzz, varon

Most Excellent. Careful aesthetic manipulation and a selection from the Headship's garment dispenser, Varon was ready for his next experimentation with civilian life. With this mild-mannered disguise, none would be able to recognize him. He set out, and strolled down the streets of Denver. Despite what popular media had told him of the state of Colorado, there seemed to be only a minority of people outfitted for mountain climbing out and about, and not nearly as many people with hunting dogs as he would have expected. Also, it wasn't snowing.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 11:13 am UTC (link)
Caught in midair, Varon tumbles in a circle once, before righting himself. "YOU FIEND! HOW DARE YOU STRIKE AT A DEFENSELESS DAMSEL? HAVE AT THEE!" He unleashes a blast of energy at the creature and then charges it.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 09:08 pm UTC (link)
"I gave you fair warning!" The minotaur brought his hands out to catch the blast, though it does drive him back. The minotaur wills the lightning to bring him forward as he throws an electric-charged punch at Varon.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 09:34 pm UTC (link)
"I apologize for this in advance," K'hym said. "But I am afraid I have little choice."

She fired a blast of Martian Vision at the minotaur.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"Varon is ready for you this time, cur!" He grits his teeth and takes the electricity, as he grabs onto the outstretched arm. He swings him to make sure he takes the full force of the oncoming heat blast as well.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 11:27 pm UTC (link)
The golden minotaur takes the brunt of the force, temporarily lighting up the sky. However, the light faded to show the beast was relatively unharmed.

"Varon? Is that your master? Is HE the one who imprisoned me!?" The beast glowed, his whole body charging with ambient electricity. He flew at Varon like a golden missile, his energy charging the air around him.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-21 11:53 pm UTC (link)
This was escalating badly. If only she had her telepathy, perhaps she might find out more and solve this more peacefully. But now, violence was the only answer left.

"Look out!"

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-22 12:04 am UTC (link)
Varon simply lets his flight stop, and drops like a stone, before zipping upwards again. His ascent delivers a blistering uppercut to the beast. "Varon does not imprison anyone! But if you do not calm yourself, you will find yourself relocated to the same wildlife sanctuary he has placed other adorable creatures in!"

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-22 12:23 am UTC (link)
The minotaur is driven upward by the force of the blow. He shakes his head, snarling as he snorts electrified air in rage.

"Adorable monster!?" He roared in indignation. "You dare mock me!!" The storm kicked up in intensity, bolts of deadly lighting sprang across the skies.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-22 10:11 pm UTC (link)
K'hym kept herself intangible and fired another blast of her Martian Vision.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-25 12:07 am UTC (link)
"Well, somewhat less adorable at the moment." Varon admits, before leaping through the attack (oh that smarts!) and laying into the creature with an uppercut that should send it even higher into the sky.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-25 12:16 am UTC (link)
He saw the uppercut coming, but K'hym's Martian Vision struck, distracting the monster until Varon could strike, indeed sending him flying higher into the sky.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-25 12:23 am UTC (link)
"Oh my!" K'hym gasped, both at the power of the uppercut and the distance the minotaur had been sent flying.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-25 12:34 am UTC (link)
Varon flies fast, overtaking the beast, and then grabbing onto him. "FEEL THE FURY OF THE HYPER TEEN!" He grabs him upside down around the waist, then sets them both plummeting down into the street.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-27 08:44 pm UTC (link)
"Fool! You are only hurting yourself!" The minotaur sees the ground come at him. "You'll feel my fury another day!" The minotaur's body grew brighter in color, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and struck out into the sky.

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-27 09:06 pm UTC (link)
K'hym dropped out of the sky.

"Oh, my! Are you all right?!"

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-27 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Varon is hurled even faster into the ground by the blast of energy, somewhat dazed as he pulls himself from the rubble. "Varon is, of course... fine... The Hyper Teen is immortal... You young ladies have nothing to fear for him." He points at Mars Girl, waiting for his vision to clear. "You have his thanks for your assistance."

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-27 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"Of course," she said. "I was happy to help."

She suddenly remembered she had left Virgil at the museum. "But if you will excuse me..."

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Re: The Museum
2013-03-27 10:32 pm UTC (link)
"Oh... well, goodbye th-- oh!" Varon suddenly remembers he has to get back quickly as well.

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